Relying on observations is different then understanding the process causing what you observe and what occurs next. Not knowing the process means there is no way of ruling out in any way any process for the cause, meaning the configuration of the process. Therefore anything has an equal chance of occurring at any time because there is no way to rule out the any way the process could cause any any possible event to occur. Any possible event means an infinite amount of events; everything needs an opposite of itself to be able to exist, causing opposites to exist in an infinite amount of ways. One opposite is the opposite of something else taking up space, which has an opposite type of space, which together is the opposite of an opposite which together is the opposite of an opposite and so one. For every opposite there is another opposite which always form another opposite which always have an opposite. Opposites need to exist because what causes the opposite to be able to exist is caused to cause something to be able to exist in that way. Because the cause was caused to cause x to exist in x way the cause of the cause needed to know how not to cause that cause. To know that the cause needed to know how to not do x which can only be know by observing how not to do x.
also nothing can be created from nothing because there is nothing there to create, therefor everything existed forever and for one oppossite to exist every oppossite needs to always exist for that cause to know how to constantly keep x the way it is.