I havent taken any of this stuff but I had several similar really bad mood altering meds that were used for High blood pressure and I couldnt take the side effects and thought it was me whowas becoming a real nut case. I changed physicians and got a cardiologist who wasnt as quick to dose me up until she knew the effects it was dealing out.
As I was looking up on the net-PDR The side effe=xcts of this stuff on young people are reportedly severe. Id be constantly reminding muself that all these symptoms (including any that you may yet experience) are all part of withdrawal of a powerful mood altering drug.
I get so pissed off at some of these chemical physicians . Keep checking in and some of your A2K buds can talk you through this ****.
Good for you that you can distinguish chemically induced moods from the real thing. Some people do really rash things cause they get hopelessly depressed while taking some of these meds for simple depression.