There were four blokes in the studio during the game last night whose job it is the rabbit expertly about football and e-mails idiots have sent in whilst you are been shown adverts that go on longer than our TV companies are allowed to do.
Three of them were very wide black guys. One was a soft-looking Limey.
One of them was introduced as "Junior Head Coach" which is an odd title.
The main man took about three hours to say "Aaaaaaaaand weeeeeeeeeaal neoooow haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand baaaack toooooo the cooooooommmeeeeeeenntaaaaaaaaaaairy teeeeeam iiiiin Pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilaaaaaaadeeeelphiiiiiiiiiaaayye. You could have took a nap.
And a player was discussed, Mr Vick I think, who had had four separate bureaucracies check him out and pass him fit to play. No doubt all the individuals involved had long and imposing titles. We just had to show the coach that we could touch the end of our nose with the forefinger.
What the legal profession has achieved is mind boggling.