The scene suggests that when seeing yourself jogging - running for exercise - you see yourself following a spiritual course of action (around), that is, one designed by God's thinking and one that relates to grounds of reasoning used by rational, logical thinking (cars) but here this rational thinking comes to a stop. (a parking lot)
Running with dogs implies jogging with a feeling of loyalty (to the jogging?) but as there is more than one dog this is not a positive or good feeling of loyalty. As the dogs "get loose", it indicates that this feeling of loyalty is not being kept under proper control. Sometimes you use an old way of thinking that would seem to be for your own protection (dad) for emotional support for the idea of jogging.
Going into the club can imply getting into a situation similar to that of other people (who are joggers?) but the True Self sees these people as being "weird". While it seems assumed that you saw your self in a gaining position (going up a ladder) when "joining the cub", it now is a losing one (climb back down the ladder), one from which you may need to back down or out of. But you continue to run.
You see yourself making fast progress (running) going into a situation where rational thinking stops (a parking lot) and where higher, more intelligent grounds of reasoning have been undermined. (underground lot). Two tall 'guys' indicate some poor thinking which appears ideal or perhaps intelligent but is negative (#2) and pressures you to get into some man-made philosophy which has been built up to seem very important. (chase me into a building) Within this philosophy or mental attitude is found ideas which are other than good ideas (other people) and poor thinking coming of a point of view (another room as implied by the intercom) which the True Self cannot see or give any recognition to.(guy we can't see) You need to make a big effort (run) to get out of this way of thinking. Being the last survivor implies that all the other people have been caught, meaning that on an emotional level you have been "had". Trying to get out of this mental attitude (building) may feel emotionally devastating (about to die)
What wakes you up, what brings you to a greater state of awareness is seeing that the idea of maintaining the philosophy (janitor) or that an idea supported by the ego (picture on wall) comes with black eyes, that is, comes of an unenlightened, negative and even evil belief system. You seem stuck in your own Dream World created by emotion and imagination where the idea of jogging is involved. [What people fail to realize is that acts carry symbolical meaning which can set us up for future events. You don't want to have to "run scared" in future.]