Thu 26 May, 2011 04:22 pm
Quote:Among the columnists' first efforts are "More Americans Need to Work, and to Marry," "Ryan, Gingrich and GOP Medicare Trap," "Sharing Costs Is No Way to Fix Medicare," "The Case for a Non-European IMF Leader," "Don't Underestimate Republicans in 2012," and "Further Evidence Sex Shouldn't Be Mixed With Power." As I scan this list of headlines, I feel my chronic insomnia lifting and wonder if Apple could make an app that would read Bloomberg View columns aloud each night as I crawl into bed with my blankie and teddy bear.
The columnists' extreme reasonableness and to a lesser degree the low temper of the first four editorials tell you everything you need to know about why there is no Bipartisan Party or why nobody ever named their newspaper the Daily Bipartisan. As journalistic fire starter, bipartisanship or reasonableness or post-partisanship or whatever Bloomberg would call his guiding philosophy has to rate with ice water. The USA Today editorial page and op-ed section is reasonable. Who reads it? Send me the readers who crave columns and editorials written at a whisper, and I will horsewhip them back into their senses.
A2K is not a place to go for sedate opinions, but it will get your mind churning.
I read as many different opinions as I can, even the ones I think are stupid because it gives me an idea of what people are thinking. Let me say though that some on a2k are so predictable that i scan right through them because I know what the content will be. As to the guy with the whip he better be careful cause someone might stick it where the sun dont shine!!!