So clever JTT.
Too bad your wit and linguistic acumen is overwhelmed by your banal desire to condemn all things American, and your compulsion to be seen as a nasty ****.
Yes, it should have been "peeked" rather than "peaked."
Good Lord, JTT caught me!
Obviously, I don't fear an exchange with you enough to bother to proof my replies.
Interestingly enough, it is you who has set himself up as the A2K speaker of truth, and so we might expect you to bypass the cheap shot, and respond with substance.
But no, JTT is wonderful at vomiting nonsense about American perfidy, and castigating anyone who appears to disagree with him, and yet he is unable to engage beyond screed or scorn.
I'm happy to take you off "ignore" and engage if you can restrain yourself from frothing propaganda and provide a response that isn't dependent upon a typo, and your perceived cleverness in identifying it.