The $ is the background for the whole show.
They found out their stash had marked bills, stole a treasury list from the Capt safe, but Shanes old lady had found it first and sent some to her bloodsucking mom that of course had some of the marked stuff in it and it goes on and on.
C'mon Your guys did'nt really want it to begin with they were just running with Vic and Shane" WILL THEY BE UNJUSTLY KILLED/PROMOTED.. Just trying to use you to cheat--come on get us a peek.
That coroner on CSI Miami. Does it give anybody else the heebee geebies when she caresses and talks to the bodies?
duce wrote: Just trying to use you to cheat--come on get us a peek.
Not sure David would tell me if I asked ... hell, he might not even know ...
I hate

blazin squad

they are the worst people on earth
Blazin' Squad are proper bo'! How could you possibly disagree old girl? what? Piff piff! Hem ... erm... hem.
I am of course joking I must confess I am not much of a fan of the squad - oh god! (hehe, look at me... i'm rapping) No, seriously my blasphemous outburst was because I have just remembered which musical act I severly dislike - Good Charlotte.
No! Bad Charlotte!! Very very Bad Charlotte! Grrrr, how aggravating they are. Rar. Am not saying I want to dance on their graves.. just... no.
"lifestyles.. of the rich and the famous.. they're always complaining... always complaaainiiing... if money's.. such a problem.. they've... (erm, forgetting words, will ad-lib) got some mansions.. think we should rob them... ladeda i suck"
ahem, well, to that tripe I say, what-the-holy-hell-ever, o-bloody-k?
Berty the Banana... He killed himself because I didn't accept him. Threw himself out of the bathroom window.
Piers Morgan... Gah.
Ooo, Michael Winter.
Definitely not a fan.
jimmy falon and jessica **** LIST!
Robin Williams
Adam Sandler
Jim Carrey
Tom Hanks
Rene Zellweger
Pervez Musharraf
I think I meant Michael Winner, that squinty eyed film director who is thw worst actor in the world in the esure ads. AAAARRRGH.