~God,,, is Satan to blame for drug addiction? "NOOOOOOOOO!" AMEN!
"YOU are responsible for YOUR drug addictions amen."
Jesus H. Christ supposedly turned water into wine amen.
I turned "what little Green Gatorade i had into thinner Gatorade so i could "Not dehydrate after this happened to we*-
Fkn'n wow! huh?! God said "There's more where that came from."
God,,, people have said_
"Jesus died on the cross for our sins" Is that true? Mary said fk -"NOOOOOO!"
~God why did Jesus truly want to die? "Mary said "He's about to kill someone" I said "Pick me!" o o o o <waveshand and arm and starts dancing like Brian on a stage but truly means it and wonders why at the same time!>
God,,, Amen.
Prime Rib beg's to differ Amen.
~God i know some nice people that wish they could disappear for fourty years or more,,, "We are open to suggestions as far as,,, being open to suggestions go" -
"And the Lord said "ouch my god!"Held to thee highest standards ever pt amen." ouch bbl ,that means this*-
"didn't that suck,,,God could you refrase that so we can get a better perspective on it?"
~God,,, that was Pat Devine,,, i called him so,,,this is Y*-
"omfg" said the little girl. amen.
In Alcoholics Anonymous !because it's no one's business that i am a recovering alcholic and drug addict! i was told to make a list of (i/we hate so much that God can't handle our hate or he would kill himself) God is that true "yes!" said God amen.
"God,,, are you and Thee Holy men still getting hard on's,,, you know sexual erections when i get angry, sad, happy, basically if i/we were dead would you (not that we want you to do this to us anymore) **** our dead bodies?
"Ya we **** your dead bodies."
God and Thee Holy men,,, i/we thought,,, i just learned their "nobody put's anything like that in your head."
thanatophilia and necrolagnia are the same as necrophilia.
God why are there three names for fk'n a dead body "Mostly men fk dead females bodies."
God have you and Thee Holy men fk dead girl's bodies?" God just fk'd me again amen."
Paula Jean Gilbert Yannalfo
19 Vernon st
Bradford, Ma.
I was just told by a man who fk's dead girl's bodies that i am acting weird today amen.
Everyone,,, this is so DAM true!,,, if God and Thee Holy men are not happy everyone will suffer like i can't even describe except to say that you would wish you were dead,,, isn't that right God " Yes that is true. amen"
(btw that is or used to be illegal amen having sex with dead bodies.)