Every one is pointing fingers and blaming each other for why the job market is not stable.
The root of the problem is something logistical. It has to do with minimum wage. I wonder if you averaged all of the global labor wages and came up with a minimum wage and then set that wage globally. Then the incentive to work would be balanced globally... But when you have pockets of disparity then you have corruption and no standards of labor civility that companies adhere to.
Also top wage earners (60-70% on up) should be taxed enough to at least add another half to what taxes the middle class pay. So the top echelon of society should match what the middle class pay collectively. Seems just... with the enormous wealth that accumulates, this wealth comes at the cost of the nation that "we the people" collectively own. Perhaps then we can address the very serious problems we face with our eroding environment and world hunger.
It seems minimum wage is a thing that strikes a chord at the very dignity of humanity.
Jobs will move where people can be exploited... If the "world" minimum wage was set high then all people could afford to live by the same/equal standard. When you work someone for pennies you can work them to death, why is it that when you pay them great salaries they lounge around and hardly seem to ever actually work.
If this trade has created a viable capitalistic market in many global areas the hope would be that this global competition would average out the currencies and labor markets would or will average out evenly. The bottom line is that profits will also level out, once profiteering is no longer a large part of the market design then jobs will return and stabilize. As long as these rich republican supporting companies can exploit these poor foreign labor work forces then profit will reign over social prosperity.
America needs to bite the bullet and put everything we have into self sustaining homegrown renewable energy. We are paying everything out in our energy consumption. We pay everything out and should be paying it in and investing in a strong renewable energy infrastructure.
With these few energy solutions people's houses and even entire farms could become energy self sufficient to the point of actually selling surplus energy back to the electric company...