Ive always maintained (from a position of sizeable experience in my work). Industry , backed by the GOP will NOT do what is correct for the environment and public health. They would just as well see everything despoiled in favor of increasing incomes.
If it werent for environmental regulations we would be still drinking waters that have been poisoned by unregulated mining and chemical production.
MJ is correct, Walker was not tauting any of these draconian bullshit policies before he was elected. He merely talked about reducing "Confiscatory taxing" . Even his union busting (and now this) are Post election actions. He is trying to get as much as he can becuase he will be a one term gov and, like GW Bush in Texas, his policies and " reg-holidays" will be reversed.
I live in a state where "Gilded Age" mining and resource stripping has fouled almost 33% of our 85000miles of streams. All these 28000 miles of DEAD streams can never be restored without mining out another resource , limestone> Today we are irresponsibly drilling for gas in the same unregulated manner that we mined out the coal.