Destroying the United States by throwing legal monkey-wrenches in every real energy initiative.
Attempting to substitute phony technologies (windmills, solar...) for real technologies and infrastructure.
Returning the planet's human population to medieval levels.
Shutting down major food production centers for snail darters.
Shutting down major oil production sites for 3" lizards.
Using precious food resources for fuel.
Preventing DDT and other effective technologies from protecting human lives.
You are mixing metaphors and programs snorky.
As far as shutting down industries, noone has supported that, you idiot libertarians want no regs while its been shown that no regs leads to chaos and public health problems. Im on record as having been a spokesman for the gas drilling industry with the proviso that it be done responsibly . OF LATE IT IS NOT and a recent study by Duke U has shown that gas is creeping up into water supplies and people can "light" their spigots. Thats a major issue. SO, Im allowed to modify any positions based upon what is right. Right now, gas drilling is harming the residents who live ner the fracked wells THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT. Should we pay them off and get em to move until the gas is gone?
Your ignorance of the coal barons and the damage theyve done to the states of W Va, Ky, Md,Pa, and Ohio is well known. There are streams in those states with pH's of 2 and 3 (fish cant live in em and the water is unpotable and loaded with heavy metals)If you deny that all the coal mining states have destroyed upwards of 1/3 their streamways in a fashion that may be irreparable then youre head is too far up your ass to b e able to talk common sense with you..
Your stupid position on DDT is well understood here. Thats a position that you probably mined from some right wing talk show host who doesnt understand genetics and denies evolution like you. The fact is that bugs become immune to DDT in about 5 generations (and for mosquitoes in the tropics thats a matter of 8 or so months). Youve argued unsuccessfully the point that you believe re: DDT and science disagrees with you in all points
Im dead set against any ethanol production because ethanolt does not increase anything but profits to distillers. The use of ethanol in gas is actually a deterrent to good gas mileage and ruins an engine just as badly as the old "tetraethyl lead" scam.
The real successes in the environmental movements have shown up in a very large part to convince industries that environmental stewardship and good public health policies are also good business. Mining responsibly can be done and dont think it got done by the mining companies suddenly opening their eyes one day. I work for mining claims and I spend half my time trying to convince the owners and drillers to practice sound reclamation processes and prevent pollution from ground water and surface water intermixing.
Ive helped several industries in the iron range to spend money on expensive extraction quipment that removed asbestos from the mill tailings and, at the same time allowed the mining of lower grade ores. Such a piece of equipment was instralled at a cost of 65 million and payed fopr itsel in less than two years due to the increased ore production.
Other cpmpanies just kept dumping their asbestos into the Great Lakes and eventually caused them a suit for cleanup. My company made money and was spared environmnetal suits, the loser companies lost big chunks of profits, many heads rolled, and those companies "saw the light"
You really dont have any idea what you are talking about. Ive been doing this for over 30 years and I started a college paper on using environmental pollution prevention as a business strategy the year after the Cayuhoga River caught fire in Ohio. My paper was an invitation to a great grad school , and I never looked back.
There is no fight about protecting snail darters v mining. WE CAN DO BOTH, and if you would stop being so politically motivated by some worldview that is basically Paleozoic, then maybe you could understand that todays environmental businesses arent involved in CLeaning up the past mucks as much as they are trying to convince their clients to prevent new ones and be responsible, sustainable, while still moving forward.