No such luck snorky. You embody the full frontal ignorance of the "Either this or that" policy. Noone in my poants has stated that we should abandon fossils. In fact, Ive been consistently saying that a transfer to a diesel or nat gas/propane economy is easily commited without major changes in infrastructure.
We never seem to embrace long term planning or engineering, we can only react quickly .
Battery technology advances will allow many new generations of real fuel economy hybrids much better than we have now. A gradual translation to electric vehicles with gas generator backup and thence to full e cars is an evolutionary thing that the market will soon recognize.
"Drill baby drill" as the only approach to energy needs is kind of a luddite approach especially since our huge home side energy deposits are gas not oil. ALso, our abilities at generating clean biodiesel can easily provide the next generation of trucks and busses (Even diesel hybrids are a possibility).
You are the one who seems to be stuck in a single groove snorky.