A comic strip that I follow:
Yawn.... <looks out window>. So, world's still here. And it looks like a beautiful day.
I wonder how many millions of dollars this Prickster Harold Camping has collected from this conartist based debacle?
Quote:I wonder how many millions of dollars this Prickster Harold Camping has collected from this conartist based debacle?
He cleared about 18 mil last year. Not a bad haul.
shewolfnm wrote:has anyone found jesus yet???
They're still trying to get past the TSA.
I heard he was trying to cross the Canadian/US border hidden in a trunk of a 1990 Toyota Tercel.
He musta thought the guy said 'raptor'...not Rapture
Oh what foods ye morsels be.

Stephen Colbert is on the yacht, The Spirit of Juno, to escape the oncoming apocalypse today.
Pets Seized From Sonoma Co. Man Planning Pre-Rapture Killings
On Friday night, animal control officials in Sonoma County seized three animals belonging to a man who planned to euthanize the pets ahead of Saturday’s predicted “Judgment Day.”..
I totally forgot about yachts! We might be able to score an abandoned yacht! Know how to sail? I have a how-to book around here somewhere.
Tercel - isn't that a easy care fabric?
No, no, that's Tencel.
carry on...
1.5 hours to go. I'm exhausted and absolutely cannot masturbate another time. I ejaculated dust this last time.
I can't believe some people took this fool Camping seriously. Mr Fitzpatrick only has another few hours to wait.
Quote:In New York, at least one of Camping's followers continued to hold out hope that Judgment Day would come.
Retired Metropolitan Transportation Authority worker Robert Fitzpatrick, 60, said he spent more than $140,000 of his savings on subway posters and bus shelter advertisements warning of the May 21 Judgment Day.
"God's people are commanded to sound the warning, to sound the trumpet so to speak so people know," Fitzpatrick said of his advertising blitz.
Fitzpatrick said Camping led him to believe Judgment Day would be May 21, but added that he disagreed with the broadcaster's prediction it would begin in Asia.
In Fitzpatrick's view, from his reading of the Bible, Judgment Day would begin around 6 p.m. Eastern Time. He said on Saturday that he still had no doubts Judgment Day would come this day.
"I wouldn't even entertain that question because there's too much proof from the Bible," he said.
people REALLY need something to believe in.
I get the need and desire for religion, but I do not understand the all out participation or feeling that it is an absolute necessary part of life.
Having said that, these people are supposed to be able to look up to their church leaders for truth in their religion...I wonder if people will be able to sue him?
what amazes me is that people would think that their pets wouldn't go along with them when they were "raptured."
What happened to your hookers?
Wore them out did ya'?
I did. He was hiding behind the couch
OMG, I thought I was being raptured there a few minutes ago,
I felt a holy touch, like a soft breeze, then I felt myself begin
to rise, really I was on my way, up, up, I got higher and higher,
then I realised, I'd just walked up the stairs and the landing window
was open, bummer, still here.