Mon 5 Jan, 2004 03:20 am
Have you heard of it?
What's your opinion on it?
Interested in networking with people on a2k as well that you like?
[email protected]
Signed up and on occassion sign on but, hasnt been all that incredibly useful for me. I was hoping it would assist some single and looking friends however.
Its grown a great deal since it started.
Friendster is set up alot like a singles site but, gives you the opportunity to relate yourself with your friends, which adds their friends, and etc etc etc. You can also give testimonials on your friends. I think with the "6 Degrees of Seperation" type idea along with the testimonials, you get to know people who you might meet but, just havent so far and they know people you know so, its a better chance of them not being whackos.
I'm on there, quinn1 introduced me to it. I like it, but hardly ever visit it. It does good things sometimes.
I'm on a similar one, Ringo. Actually found a few old friends, but that seems to be the main function so far.
Has anyone done I did the free version recently but am annoyed that you have to pay to send email to specific people/ to get their email address. An astonishing percentage of my (HUGE) graduating class (H.S.) is signed up -- I'd say 80%. Several people I would like to contact. I'm hoping someone who has paid will see me and contact me instead.
Funny you should ask Soz, I just joined last weekend. A childhood friend got a hold of me through it and I finally caved. Too bad only a few of the people I REALLY want to find are on there.
I was on Classmates for two years and got in touch with quite a few friends from high school and college. I hope others now pay to contact me
It's amazing how the people I want to find most are the hardest to find.
Sorry 'bout that soz. They only way they can contact you is if they have a paid up membership, and I believe you would have to join to receive their messeges. I joined and didn't see anyone I wanted to hear from anyway.
Oh, I can't GET messages unless I pay?
<very cross expression>
Wait not sure about the pay/ join thing. I joined, but at the free level. Can't send anything, not sure if I can receive.
Actually, a friend of mine did contact me before I paid up. Maybe she got my email address from the MomNetwork, but I think it was from Calssmates. I'll ask her.
Yeah, think both parties have to pay. Im hoping more and more of them talk and if someone wants my email, they talk to someone else who already has it
I'm on both Friendster (thanks to Quinn) and Classmates but I've never paid for access to the "full" Classmates site.
I've gotten e-mails from a few people through Classmates.
I'm just being shunned, then.
Signed onto about a year or so ago and heard from a very good friend who I hadn't seen nor spoken to since 1969! That was a blast.
Only one has to pay. The one doing the contacting. I still refuse to go for the gold, tho.
Nah! All of your old classmates are just to cheap to pay the membership fee too!

(I know a LOT of people that are listed on Classmates but none of them have paid... My guess is that very few ever do.)
I think you're right, fishin'.
wow, that's a lot of people on . maybe i'll sign up too.
friendsters just started up and there are already tens of millions of peoples on it including several friends. i finally had to cave.
if you wish to contact me through friendsters user search, my email address is
[email protected]