@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Fido wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
I know people who have what others would consider a fabulous life yet, those people are miserable. I know people who have what others would consider a miserable existence, and yet those are the happiest people I know.
It's all about attitude. BTW, I am not making light of how you feel. I sincerely hope and pray things get better for you.
It is a mistake to compare lives since we all have the same one...
I guess you missed the point. I wasn't comparing anyone's life to anyone else's. What I was saying is, "our attitude makes a big difference."
Attitude is everything, almost... I think it would be good if the relative differences between the conditions of people were similar and relatable to merit, but regardless, we all pay for our lives with our lives, rich and poor alike, strong or weak... If I were to reference the words of Jesus, then the rich have received their blessing, and almost everyone is blessed if you can believe the sermon on the mount... What is our common denominator if not life, and yet, what we all hold, none can own???...
Why treasure wealth when the true wealth slips between our fingers??? Since we cannot have life as a reality maybe we can have it as a tool, as a means to something better for humanity, and for life... Then it does not matter what we acquire... It does not matter what we possess... What matters is how much we can through our lives give to humanity... Consider that with our lives most of us take life from future generations... To have capitalism today we force the meanest sort of socialism on future days...What if we could pile up fat cattle to get them through lean days ahead??? There are a multitude of ways that we could give to the future rather than stealing from the future, and for that have them honor our names which is the only way we may live beyond death... We trade eternity for a moment... We cash in our birth right for one huge party and then o pen our veins... The way we live is without thought or hope or kindness or awarness on any level... Certainly, our attitudes help us to get through the moment, and yet what we should want is to add to life in general...We hold a piece of a common life, common to plants and animals and all sprung from a common seed... We make a mistake when we individualize it, and call it our own, and suffer or survive it depending upon attitude... We need something more if we would put ourselves apart from swamp slime, and stand up on our hind legs for good and be human...