This person is NOT the love of your life - he is the plaything of your life. He is the boy you have fun with but can never commit to.
You may experience 'chemistry' with him that you have felt with no other, but your compatibility is terrible.
Let's also set it straight that you and he are both hypocritical 'theologists' - neither of you are following the teaching of your respective faiths in this. I don't say this to put you down, but rather to show you what you are dealing with, when you call him the love of your life. I've known many couples to excuse the others behaviour because 'he's madly in love with me', but the reality is, he is a cheater (and so are you) - his morals allowed him to enter an affair with...they are part of the fabric of his makeup. What makes you think this would change after the two of you were together?
Secondly - he would never, EVER trust you. Despite what he says - do you realise the deep religious views muslims hold? It is much worse than westerners, who themselves rarely ever trust people the are in a relationship with, that started as an affair.
Thirdly, by telling him that you would happily have sex with him after he got married, you have told him that the marriage vows of monogamy mean nothing to you. So he will trust you even less.
Next, have you ever thought about what would happen if you had children and then had a falling out, if you lived over there? He could easily accuse you of having an affair he knew nothing about. In some Islamic countries, you can get thrown in jail for that, and you would lose your rights, purely on his word (the first example of how these draconian laws work, as an example - in the UAE in order for a woman to make a rape complaint, she needs to have 4 muslim males as witness - as if that would ever happen. Otherwise, if she is married, she will get thrown in jail for having an affair. This happened to an Australian woman about 1 year ago, who was jailed for 6 months for being raped without male muslim witnesses)
Lastly - what you are doing to your husband is incredibly unfair and disrespectful to him. You are being very self centred about this. He has a right to choose whether he wants to stay with you while you are having sex with other men. He also has a right to choose whether or not to risk sexually transmitted diseases - something you have denied him the decision of.
Don't get me wrong - you have every right to have sex with 'the love of your life' - but as a single woman, and he as a single man.
It's probably time for you to grow up, assess what it means for a person to be 'the love of your life', what marriage should mean, and what respect entails.