Some of you are saying that the Seals could have taken him alive if they wanted to.
We will never know the truth, because we werent there, but I would like to point out a few things.
First off, the Seals were under fire, conducting a raid in what they knew was a very hostile place.
The decision to kill Osama had to have been made in a split second, by the person that pulled the trigger.
The safety of the team is the first priority in a situation like that, and all of the armchair quarterbacking cant change that fact.
In a firefight against superior numbers, you have to move fast and eliminate as many threats as possible, as quickly as possible.
The members of ST6 did exactly what they are trained to do.
And lets not forget that President Obama had authorized the killing of OBL if it was necessary, and that gives the commander on scene immense latitude in deciding what "necessary" means.
And if they had captured him alive, what then?
Do you have a trial in a civilian court?
Do you allow him to use the trial as a means of getting his message out?
I have been in a few firefights, and have some idea what ST6 was up against.
They did the right thing, and did it well.
Wayne said this...
Quote:There may already be precedent for a no tolerance policy "STAND DOWN OR YOU WILL BE SHOT" type of thing
That policy exists on every military base.
If you attempt to enter certain areas, or if you attempt to access certain things, the MP's have the authority to use deadly force to stop you.
And lets not forget that the Seals are not police officers.
As soldiers, their job is to kill the enemy and to destroy the enemies will to resist.
So while they might have wanted to take OBL alive, they will not risk any of their team to do that.
If he didnt do exactly as they said, or if he made a move that was considered hostile, the safety of the team comes first, period.