izzythepush wrote:Thanks David I don't care if you are loony, you're alright by me.
That 's OK, Izzy; I care enuf for both of us.
izzythepush wrote:I used to be a civil servant, I used to fill in forms all the time, and sometimes I'd fill them up.
I was on the payroll of the State of NY, before I retired.
Sometimes I filled in forms, like the annual Ethics report.
izzythepush wrote:As for Setanta, that probably the clumsiest insult I've ever had thrown at me.
Did you choose a corgi so you could look up Liz Windsor's skirt? And how come you don't show premiership football anymore?
Mr. Setanta is our resident Grumpy Person.
He lashes out in all directions. He has an extremely
delicate ego,
apparently resulting from a basic insufficiency of self-respect or self-confidence.
slightest hint of expressed doubt or disapproval of anything that he says
puts him into a
panic, evoking a mindless explosion of invective emotion,
forsaking reason as he reflexively reaches for
ad hominem vengeance.
He who discourses with him must be prepared for self-defense
from a virulent
Setantrum (or from
multiple Setranta), at any moment.
He used to be worse.
He used to be more acrimoniously abusive of almost everyone.
Perhaps he believes that if he makes
someone ELSE look bad,
in contrast, he will look better. That 's anyone's guess.
His favorite word is "hilarious"; he
LOVES to write that word
(in derogation of those who converse with him)
tho his posts reveal very little or no sense of humor.
I think that Mr. Setanta wants us all to be
afraid of him,
because he yells at us a lot.
He is our Prince of Pomposity, but that makes it more fun to
Setaunt him.
Mr. Setanta is our King of Acrimony and our Sultan of
ANYWAY, don 't take his insolence personally, Izzy. Good manners r not his strong point.
He has been bad to almost everyone in the forum with whom he has conversed.
He is not singling u out.
: WELCOME to the forum. I hope that u will enjoy it.