Tue 26 Apr, 2011 07:25 am
So I'm reading about Ardi Man and how it's said he began to walk upright and lost his long canines because it became easier to find mates and keep them by heading out and bringing back food for them. This eliminated the need for battles, sometimes to the death, for female mates. It also gave the little guy a chance.
What do I take from that? Even today 2011 nothing has changed or evolved. You don't need to be the big strong alpha male who can whip the other males asses.
If you want to get laid a lot, just bring a bitch presents all the time.
I always thought that you yourself walk "erect" because your vagus nerve is located in your spine.
ya try to be serious and scientific.... look what you get.
Humans arent really evolving anymore, as our technology makes being born with good genes less and less of a necessity for survival and having kids. Sick people are keept alive/saved by medicine, and your culture makes is so that the best among us are not necessarly those that reproduce more. In fact, our culture seens to do the opposite, as the poor have a lot of kids they cant raise right while the rich oftenly have little or none.
Not that our evolution stopping is really a bad thing, since our technology is evolving at a rate that makes it irrelevant. It wont be too long until we are all cyborgs =)
Quote:It wont be too long until we are all cyborgs =)
The test of true love will be whether you are willing to change your lover's batteries.
Women will never trust men to follow the necessary schedules.
Joe(same as the present birth control system)Nation
As Dennis Gallagher once said.
"We didnt evolve from the cave men who fought with sabre tooth tigers, we evolved from the fast little fuckers that ran back to the cave"