H2O MAN wrote:
It was something both sides of the isle did in the beginning, but it is 100% a liberal thing now and has been for decades.
Nonsense... The country followed the Texas state School board in its choice of texts books for many years, and likely still does... I have seen some of those books and they are so much of lies and propaganda... They do not tell the truth about our history, about slavery, conquest of the country, industrialization, or all our colonial wars... Even today, Government class is as much ra ra ra for free enterprise as about relative governments or history.... It does not matter that most of those people studying that crap are victims of that economy and its influence on the course of government... The fact is that you would have more luck teaching against the laws of physics...
You cannot get people to accept a lie in the face of the truth, and telling kids everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds is not going to fly much longer... Kids learn after a while to not even bother to look for truth in the class rooms...
People like Mr. Obama clearly bought the American myth, and he is trying to make it all work... Good luck with that, since the other side is looking for his death, or his personal destruction... It is like the badgering and bad mouthing of the Clintons who clearly bought into this society and tried to make it work... There is something about the republican mindset that thinks such hostility, and uncivility endears them to the people... It makes them look small and stupid and makes us all look retarded for even putting up with them...