Wed 20 Apr, 2011 09:45 am
Donald Trump and Sarah Palin--if the GOP nominates either, O'bama's reelection is assured.
I guess you should have read the article first.
Oops didn't see it was a link.
Just another conserative lier much like you. Where is his proof. You and he show your lack of common sense by believing that one will accept you at your word. I for one do not.
Look around rebel... use your brain and conjure up an original thought while your at it.
By Neal Boortz
Our esteemed Community Organizer is losing support amongst most groups. Wait a minute … make that ALL groups.* Obama is losing support in every age group, every income group, and every ethnic group. Yup … even the poor, poor pitiful poor are not happy with the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Up until recently, Barack Obama still held the majority of support among “minorities.” But the insensitive side of me opined last week that that the only groups out there where a majority still supported this pathetic excuse for a leader were Hispanics and blacks. Well … turns out I was wrong. Recent Gallup polls now show that less than half of Hispanics (47%) approve of the job that Barack Obama is doing as president. That pretty much leaves blacks. They still give Obama approval ratings in the 80% - 90% range.
Now … and of course this is racist … I have to ask my black listeners and Nuze readers, isn’t this embarrassing? Come on … wake up to some reality here. When you are the ONLY ethnic, age or income group out there who still supports this hack, don’t you know what people think? They may not say it – they may come up with all sorts of reasons you still stand behind this man – but they know; we all know that the reason for this support is twofold. First .. black voters are so used to living on the Democrat plantation that they simply cannot fathom actually considering anything other than the Democrat party line when election time rolls around. Secondly --- skin color. Many blacks will stand behind Obama because of his skin color and for no other reason. Call me whatever name you like – the only opinion about me that counts is mine. But you know I’m right.
* Oh .. you noticed the asterisk, did you? I’m buying myself a bit of protection here. There is one other group that I haven’t seen specifically singled out in the polls … and that would be single mothers. I’m not talking about divorced or widowed mothers here … I’m talking specifically about America’s criminal breeding stock … single women who make a conscious decision to have a baby without the benefit of marriage or a commitment to a father in the household. These women are responsible for a disproportionate share of America’s young criminals and welfare costs. They have a nifty substitute for an actual wage earner in the country … someone to provide them with the security that would normally get from an actual two-parent household. That replacement is, of course, government … government represented by the image of Barack Obama. Just guessing … but it’s an educated guess … that you will still find that a majority of single mothers still support Obama.