The difficulty i would see is that the eras to which you refer were never global, for example:
Encyclopedia-dot-com's Chinese Dynasty list[/color]
Now, scroll to the bottom, and look at the Manchu Dynasty, c. 1644 to 1912. To what do you compare that in European history? That's the middle of the first civil war to dreadnought race with Germany if you are looking at England, hardly a cohesive description of a period in it's history. In France, that would be from the end of the first year of the reign of Louis XIV (who was then six years old), to the rise of socialism in France's third republic, having had a bloody revolution, two emperor's, and a brief restoration of the monarchy. Were you to use the European eras, you create categories with no real relevance to Chinese historical eras, or the Subcontinent, Asia Minor, Africa . . . i'm sure you get my drift.
I would suggest dividing your categories by region, culture, and then only very general "age" or "era" categories--just a general category, and an "ancient" and "modern" subcategory, which would leave the middle in the general category.
Thematic topics would mirror your general categories in all of the fora: technology, medicine, language, writing, the plastic arts, the performing arts, commerce, navigation, economy, engineering . . . you would probably have difficulty with this, it would be necessary to have broad, general categories, which nonetheless didn't exclude areas of culture and development which you hadn't considered when you created your main headings.
Tough job, Boss, you a little masochistic here?