Fri 2 Jan, 2004 11:24 am
I get these pains in one of my hands, that comes for a couple days, then goes away. It hurts when I grip something tightly, or bend it a certain way. It's not in my wrist, but right in my hand.
I'm only 27 years old, so I'm thinking it probably isn't arthritis.
Could it be carpal tunnel? Does anyone know what that feels like?
Or could it be from throwing weights around the gym?
And no, it's not from having the hot sex with myself, it's the opposite hand.
Don't say "I can't diagnose anything on the 'net, go to the doctor," because I'm just wondering basically the difference between what arthritis and carpal tunnel would be/feel like. It's not that bad, and doesn't happen often...just wanna feel your pain.
Sounds like arthritis to me, you can get it in your 20s. I think C Tunnel has shooting pain rather than stabbing pain.
Prolly the self-love. In any case I shouldn't diagnose over the web.
I'd actually describe it more as a shooting pain rather than comes and goes.
Could be tendonitis. I have a tendon that was partially severed and sewn together that does sometimes. It feels just the same as when I cut it.
If you have been lifting weights, this possibly could be the problem. You must keep your wrists straight when lifting, or wear "wrist wraps." When you wrap your hand around the weights, do not squeeze your hand real tight, and make sure you let your thumb relax a bit.
Sounds like tendonitis - try a brace (you can get 'em at CVS) and, of course, your doc.
Thanks, my children. It doesn't happen often enough where I'm too worried about it, I was just curious if it sounded like anything familiar to you. My knees suck too, and I get a sharp pain in my wrist occasionally when I do a certain excercise. I think I've just beat myself up for a while, and I'm starting to feel it.
Keep in mind that you may make it to 30, or maybe even 40 - in which case, you'll wish you'd taken better care of yourself. (i hear this a lot from bikers i've got on my caseload)
Seriously, if you're noticing a group of physical aches/pains on an occasional basis, start keeping a log so that if/when you do go to a doc, you'll have something to help them help you.
You Imposter! What have you done with the Real Slappy Doo Hoo?!?
Hmm...I have bad knees too...something to do with the thiness of the cartilidge behind my kneecap. Try a hot pack, that usually helps me.
You may want to wear wrist guards or braces if it hurts to do certain exercises, that may ease the pain or stop it from coming.
PS I am so lol'ing at "children"
I have arthritis and the only way to describe it is that it feels like headaches in my fingers.
I suggest a fat spliff and some tequila and live with it.