More info: Tate claimed that he put Eunick in a headlock and banged her head on a black lacquer table, but a grand jury investigating the case wasn't so sure. The medical examiner's report turned up a host of internal injuries that hadn't been immediately recognizable by investigators. A part of the young girl's liver had even become detached!
That is a truly discusting comment.
Not with a good wine.....
I remember this story. I don't know how long he should be in prison, but yeah, it should be a long, long time.
I agree with edgarblythe. The boy shouldn't be out, and likely wouldn't benefit from prison. A psychiatric facility would probably be better.
Unless he does have diminished capacity, there is no way a 12 year old could possibly have continued pummelling a small child all on the pretext of play. A normal child of that age has a definite knowledge of right and wrong. And as others have mentioned, where were the adults in this situation and why are they absent of blame?
ebrown_p What is the victim's mother's stance in all of this? She is not quoted in the page linked by OCCOM BILL.
12 year olds know right from wrong. If a 12 year old thinks it is okay to beat a girl until she dies does that make him, I don't know, smart. Aw how innocent of him he doesn't understand. Whatever. He knew. There is no way, unless he is stupid, that he did not know hitting flesh as hard as possible on a young girl would hurt her so bad she would die. That is such a cop out to say he doesn't know. If he doesn't know that is more scary then if he did know. And he deserves to stay and rot in prison the rest of his life until he admits that he was STUPID and that what he did was STUPID and that his brain is half the intelligence of any other boy his age. Then maybe he should be let out on a leash that is put infront of the prison on a tree like a dog. Considering that is how much incite he had when he decided fisting a girl in the gut in the head was such a grand idea. He doesn't need psychological help. He beat her. Your not crazy when you beat someone. If he was crazy - just to say he was - then how is he young enough to be crazy but too young to be an adult. Come on they don't give children Bi-Polar disorder diagnosis because they are too young and it is hard to distinguish but hey beat a girl you can claim you were insane. Stupid.
You folks who think 16 yearolds are adults, do not have much commonsense. This why I blame the parents, they treat their teens like adults instead of treating them like children. That's teens do this kind of stuff. It's really bad in the UK, because parents just kick their kids to the curve, leaving them on the streets to fend for themselves. If the American's don't get back to Traditional Family Values, the US will be in the same catagory. I doubt this 12 yearold's parents, didn't spend anytime with him.
Tate “grieves everyday over Tiffany’s death and will think of her and the terrible tragedy for the rest of his life."
Again I point out at what age does a child not know hitting someone is wrong? There is pain involved so it is very obvious that where there is pain something must not be right. But he is a child, a very stupid child, so he should get away beating the living mess out of a girl. And this is why crimes keep happening. People like kjvtrue want to blame someone other than the person who did the crime. His mother didn't say kick the blood out of the girl. Now if that was the case that would be a good defence now wouldn't it?
How traumatic for both families and the WWF
This is a tough one to call. Had it been my daughter who died...I would go after whoever I could. I think that Tate should be held responsible and so should his parents. I hope the little girls parents are doing ok.
I think the WWF should be banned.
lost_my_calgon wrote:I think the WWF should be banned.
Again, putting the blame in the wrong place. It is a great idea to make all the wrestlers angry and their millions of fans.
I say put him in the ring with the current WWF or whetever it is these days champion. Cage match.