Hi Amber,
What GW said is really the best advice, outside of looking for professional help for some of your personal/family issues.
Work, even if voluntary, will give you a sense of self-worth. Sure, you may not get that friend you desire, right off, but this isn't Hollywood: there is no instant fix. The reality is, relationships that are steady and strong often are forged over time.
But self-worth is very important and it's something you can start to change tomorrow. And who said you need a friend to talk to? Sometimes an acquaintance or even a stranger can be that little blessing of warmth in an otherwise gloomy world.
And if you are going into basic training, you can forget about ever being happy again! (ok, just kidding!!!

On top of that, I think you'll find many people on these forums who are genuine, warm, caring, and very wise. The beauty of social outlets like this are the diversity and depth of those who participate. You will be hard pressed to experience something that someone here hasn't already been through and overcome.