Wed 30 Mar, 2011 06:42 pm
I have promised myself to be civilized in this discussion... Please hold me to it.

I don't pretend to know that much about beltway politics but from my standpoint I feel like democracy is in danger of being bowled over by big money. How can we protect things like Earth conservation in the lobbies while blocking other big business lobbies that care only about money and not about sparing the Earth what seems to be a doomsday wish. Corporate greed seems to have no bounds. How can we go in the right direction when decisions are made based upon money rather than conscience?
Since you just posted this, you probably have a few seconds left to correct the spelling error in your title.
Edit: Yay!
What you asking is how to make sure people who agree with you have a strong voice, while making sure that people you don't like are shut out.
This is a very good question.
You are a good person to point that out, much thanks!
Sorry about the, err, "spelling errors" I was in a hurry today and plagued with oversight.
About the lobbyists,
Is there some mathematical equation or algorithm that facilitates the necessity for lobbyists or is it something like the federal reserve? I still wonder what is really held in Fort Knox if it isn't our gold... And how did we get into debt with China? ...and what is the difference between world trade and fair trade?
I am not a Pulitzer prize winning Harvard graduate but I do wonder about these things.
What to do about the lobbyists in Washington
i'm thinking that they ( and the folks to whom they lobby) would make good compost or shark food
djjd62 wrote:
What to do about the lobbyists in Washington
i'm thinking that they ( and the folks to whom they lobby) would make good compost or shark food
hohoho ~ Even sharks deserve better.