military action against Libya

Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 08:09 pm
The argument that it was about preserving life and prefenting bloodshed sure sounds a little empty with the idea of arming rebels, and giving cia support... It is all like fixing a scratch with an amputation...
And it is interesting to ponder that had we stayed out of it it probably would be over by now...the oil would be flowing, money would be comeing it, and the radicals would not have another argument for hating the West. There is a good reason why even the Rebels keep warning that Western ground troops in country would be a very bad idea. I dont think that we are much better off when we call these forces CIA. Remember, that in Iraq and Afghanistan the CIA has operated for years as a pure military force. Nobody in Libya is going to be impressed with the American rebranding effort. Calling them CIA does not make them any less a ground force.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 08:14 pm
ossobuco wrote:

Yea, CI. But I wonder how we snurfed into this. What department saw opportunity and had contacts to push it?

Perhaps Hillary, but I'm not an automatic anti hillary person. On the other hand..

This would be very annoying if we go into this for his being nicey to Hillary.

She has her finger prints all over that job... The question is why... Opportunity first to get rid of an old thorn, Oil, naturally, but best of all: A chance to look presidential since Obama looks so unpresidential... And, as she made him look like a wimp, and a pushover, he looks even less presidential... Nothing could be worse that to let her paint him into a corner saying: I have arrainged everthing, and now all you have to do is give the order... You see, she gets the credit if it works and he gets the blame if it fails... It was smart for her and stupid for him...
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 08:29 pm
She has her finger prints all over that job
Using victimology to justify their aggression is a classic Clinton move. The Clintons did this move on republicans as well as the bimbos. Using the alleged victim status of the Libyan people to justify military action against Libya is right up her alley.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 09:28 pm
The words of an American leftist semi radical via Iran has to be considered a bit sketch, but worth pondering anyway
Stratford Global Intelligence confirmed that 100 Egyptian commandos have been in control of opposition forces since early March at Washington's behest. The UK SAS, US Special Forces and CIA operatives have been there according to Stratford for months.

An Israeli news website confirmed that indeed these forces had been there at the request of the US intelligence services to dictate control over the opposition movement and to impose spokespeople on it.

As we saw with Gates in Cairo where he was embracing Tatawi - the General who has now decreed it a crime, criminalizing strikes, demonstrations and sit-ins that hinder private or state-owned businesses effect the economy in any way; a decree, which assigns severe punishment to any who call or incite action with prison sentences assigned; the state of emergency maintained- this same General Tatawi with Gates has acknowledged that Egyptian forces are in Libya carrying out an operation against the Gaddafi regime in nominal support of the opposition, which is no longer an opposition to anything that imperialism would fear.

And that's the object of this exercise. It is an imperial undertaking aimed at the workers and population in North Africa, Tunisia and Egypt, Yemen and the slaughter in Bahrain - absolute total reign of terror at work in Bahrain with all doctors and surgeons being rounded up, disappeared, kidnapped and killed; that's the real character of this imperial intervention to subjugate the peoples of the region with yet another bloody imperial occupation.

Press TV: How do you feel about the argument that if the intervention in Libya succeeds and democracy is brought in there that would be a good thing for the other democratic movements throughout the region?

Schoenman: It's nauseating hypocrisy - there is little interest in democratic movements anywhere. These dictatorial regimes have been maintained by the US with funds and arms over decades e.g. 74 billion dollars given to the Egyptian military.

For the record: Gaddafi privatized 306 major industries, signed a declaration with Condoleezza Rice in joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and imposing the criteria and requirements of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the issue of nominal nationalization when in fact the de facto operation of oil has been turned over to these major conglomerates speaks to the actual character of the regime - It's being deployed now or rendered like Noriega and Saddam Hussein who worked with Washington for 27 years.

But the basic operation here in respect to the uprising in Libya, which in its initial phase had the same character and quality, particularly amongst the working class given 30 percent unemployment and an 85 percent increase in food stuffs over a space of just months - a crisis for the population. The consequence upon the capitulation to the demands of world capital and imperial regimes of the likes of Chaney and Richard Pearle, the Prince of Darkness as he's called, has brought a cynical operation, a pretext for intervention.

As for Sarkozy and the NATO allies - the capitalist ruling class in France had an extremely close relationship to the Gaddafi family. France, Italy and Great Britain were cultivating Gaddafi in every possible way and were in fact fating him and his family insofar as they were obtaining concession. There was of course inter-imperial rivalry, but the base of NATO is to obtain crumbs from the table of conquest and that's the basic relationship that is unfolding as we speak.

The US will dictate the military and economic agenda and make some minor concessions to their junior partners in European, colonial and capitalist regimes.
But the basic issue we have to confront is that humanitarian concerns has absolutely nothing to do with a country (US) whose ruling class has killed 2.5 million people in Iraq; a half million people in Afghanistan; and continues to slaughter them in Bahrain and Yemen and across the world - Do we really think it is possible to assign humanitarian concerns to a ruthless ruling class conducting an imperial of such genocidal nature and consistent subjugation of peoples across the planet. No one should be taken in by this. Today Libya tomorrow Iran and no other country is safe.

They have a couple of hundred military bases; everywhere the US projects its military control to subjugate and immiserate the peoples of the world and put them before a torture apparatus funded by the CIA and the Mossad in every singly example one can cite with the addition of the British in Bahrain whose Ian Henderson conducted for four decades a torture apparatus that is rival to none.

That's the real face of imperialism
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 09:30 pm
For anyone interested, here's a Der Spiegel article about the backlash from different u.s. commentators on Germany's - and specifically their foreign minister, Guido Westerwell's - decision to abstain in the UN Security Council vote for military action in Libya.

Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 09:46 pm
For anyone interested, here's a Der Spiegel article about the backlash from different u.s. commentators on Germany's - and specifically their foreign minister, Guido Westerwell's - decision to abstain in the UN Security Council vote for military action in Libya.
Obama gave the Germans the cold shoulder from day one, and he has made it very clear that he does not give a **** about German concerns. Bush did the exact same thing. I am sure that at this point Berlin is not particularly interested in opinions originating from Washington.
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 09:55 pm
A couple of quotes -
"The chancellor, however, cannot afford to be blasé about American frustration with her foreign minister. The new debates are likely to hamper German ambitions, such as applying for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. In addition, Washington considers Berlin's abstention as the definitive German position -- and thus also blames Merkel."
"Merkel will hardly be pleased that she finally has a reputation in Washington to lose. In early June she will travel back to the American capital to be presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom -- the highest civilian award in the US -- by Obama. The visit is planned to last several days, with the medal being awarded in a pointedly festive atmosphere."
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 10:00 pm
That's not that outlandish, because Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 10:06 pm
Berlin broke ranks with the United States, France and Britain last week, joining China, Russia, India and Brazil in abstaining during a United Nations vote that approved a no-fly zone over Libya.
Arriving at an EU foreign ministers' meeting, Germany's Guido Westerwelle said Arab League criticism of the air strikes had vindicated Germany's reluctance to back the action.

"We calculated the risk. If we see that three days after this intervention began, the Arab League already criticises (it), I think we had good reasons," Westerwelle told reporters.
"We see that we have reasons for our concern."
Berlin had long made clear it would not support a U.N. resolution, saying it did not believe a no-fly zone or air strikes would be successful in driving Gaddafi out or in protecting Libyan civilians.
At the weekend, the Arab League said it was concerned about the French- and British-led bombing of targets in Libya, saying it could lead to civilian casualties. But the Arab League's secretary general clarified on Monday that he still respected the U.N. resolution authorising military action on Libya.
Despite opposition to air strikes, Westerwelle underlined that Germany was strongly supportive of EU efforts to oust Gaddafi through economic and financial sanctions, saying that should be the focus of efforts to end his 41-year-old rule

Read more: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/125009/20110321/germany-defends-libya-stance-eu-toughens-sanctions.htm#ixzz1I98zMRzP

It appears that Germany was right, German view aligns perfectly with mine, and whats more I think that Obama was pretty sure that air power would not do the job regardless of his claims that he had high hopes. I strongly suspect that history will vindicate Berlin, that they will be seen as the honest brokers here, as the ones who refused to lie to their people about what the UN "enhanced no-fly zone" really was.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 03:57 am
Your interest is the oil.
Thank God they dont have a lot of camel turds or you would be saying my only interest is in them .

They took the risk.
Which makes them null and void as people , right ?

It is not like it happened the first time.
You lost me with this one....are you saying if it has happened before in history somewhere then we should ignore it ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 03:58 am
@cicerone imposter,
Which country did you have in mind ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 03:59 am
Getting into Vietnam was easy as well.
And the Romans just beat the Carthaginians by the barest margin.....what is your point ?
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 05:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
I wonder if there is any way the Nobel Committee can take it back?
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 05:48 am
You're always peddling bullshit, as if you knew what you are talking about. The Romans absolutely buried the Carthaginians in three wars. At the end of the final war, they leveled Carthage and sowed the soil with salt to prevent anyone from living there again. It is just incredible to me how often you just make **** up solely for the sake of arguing with other people here.
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 06:28 am
I knew that would bring you out of hiding ! Very Happy You, the great historian ....if you dont know it then someone made it up ! Very Happy You are one hell of a ******* joke, **** for brains !

At the end of the final war, they leveled Carthage and sowed the soil with salt
Sowing the soil with salt is an expression....salt was valuable...they might just as well have sowed the soil with money....here's a question you can easily answer...what did they do to the soil ? Why was the soil reusable by the time they rebuilt Carthage as a Roman city ? Off to google with you....

Soooo...what were the three wars for if they won so easily...perhaps they were just toying with them ? Why were they so vicious if they won so easily ?

Never heard of Hannibal ? Or his father ? You are always peddling bullshit from google....you know next to nothing and yet your stupidity and ego bring you into yet another fray where you dont have a chance to win . I baited you and it worked ! I knew you wouldnt know enough about it but would have to comment anyway, being all stupid and arrogant as you are.....want to call me a troll because this time I deserve it ! Very Happy
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 06:31 am
@cicerone imposter,
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
So did Yasser Arafat and Ritzak Rabin....both terrorists .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 07:54 am
Ionus wrote:

Getting into Vietnam was easy as well.
And the Romans just beat the Carthaginians by the barest margin.....what is your point ?
What is your point; because there are several and different lessons to take from the defeat of carthage and from our victory in Vietnam, which while pyric, did help to bring down Soviet Communism... It is always easier to get into a mud hole than out of it... Before we decide to help our friends we ought to make sure we have some... It looks a whole lot more like we are helping ourselves, and history will reveal that the great mass of Libyan are not helped in the least by our actions... We would find our path so much easier to tread if we would give those people we do not like an out, and let them keep something of the money they have put aside... The first thing we do if we can get rid of them is lock up all their assets... They got to know it... You should never box them in, but give them an out if winning is going to be possible at a reasonable cost... We are too busy trying to make victory absolute to enjoy any victory at all... We want him gone??? Who cares if he lives in luxury??? He's gone, right; and he is off the world stage...
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 08:09 am
Setanta wrote:

You're always peddling bullshit, as if you knew what you are talking about. The Romans absolutely buried the Carthaginians in three wars. At the end of the final war, they leveled Carthage and sowed the soil with salt to prevent anyone from living there again. It is just incredible to me how often you just make **** up solely for the sake of arguing with other people here.
Part of the reason they beat them was that they were sooo corrupt, and the line between rich and poor there was sooo extreme.... We are no different... Our fleet has been burned... Does it matter that it was burned by people who did not want to pay U.S. taxes on it, or pay fair labor on it, or have safe working conditions on it???

One of the extreme costs of our wars lies in the fact that all our shipping must be leased... We have no merchant marine... Wars are expensive, and it is expected that those who benefit least must pay the greatest expense for them... We are Carthage throwing our own babes on the altars of our obsession for easy profit and world domination... We have learned nothing from history... It is the most pointless course of study in American Schools because behind all of our success we see only the goddess Fortuna... What Fortune gives Fate can take, and until we are stopped we are bound to be a top heavy, rich at the top, and marked by the extremes of wealth and poverty sort of society... If we could look about and see how this idea of world domination is breaking us, and forcing all people here to live on the edge of their means, and to deny civl rights to each other... We are gaining the world and losing our souls, and just like Carthage we cannot see what part we play in our own demise..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 08:10 am
Ionus wrote:

I knew that would bring you out of hiding ! Very Happy You, the great historian ....if you dont know it then someone made it up ! Very Happy You are one hell of a ******* joke, **** for brains !

At the end of the final war, they leveled Carthage and sowed the soil with salt
Sowing the soil with salt is an expression....salt was valuable...they might just as well have sowed the soil with money....here's a question you can easily answer...what did they do to the soil ? Why was the soil reusable by the time they rebuilt Carthage as a Roman city ? Off to google with you....

Soooo...what were the three wars for if they won so easily...perhaps they were just toying with them ? Why were they so vicious if they won so easily ?

Never heard of Hannibal ? Or his father ? You are always peddling bullshit from google....you know next to nothing and yet your stupidity and ego bring you into yet another fray where you dont have a chance to win . I baited you and it worked ! I knew you wouldnt know enough about it but would have to comment anyway, being all stupid and arrogant as you are.....want to call me a troll because this time I deserve it ! Very Happy
YOU are and idiot... In every instance it was their rich who wanted the wars, the people who fought them, and the rich who gave up every gain because they would not risk their wealth for the very society others were giving their lives to protect... They found out that you cannot have what you cannot defend...

Where is our defense??? It is spread all over the globe serving the cause of offense... What are our rich defending??? Only the wealth they have taken from us and out of the world... They refuse to pay for the wars that benefit only them... Poverty is the price we pay to live in this wealthy nation... Why is it WE are so wealthy and everyone of us is so poor??? Why is everything falling to pieces, and no one has a dime to pay to fix it??? Surely, to fix something should not be nearly the price of building it to begin with??? Well yes, but with industry gone, and so few doing productive work of any sort we must export our dollars to import our life styles.. It makes somebody rich and everyone poor... And then there is the price of defending all our capital all around the world... Who pays it, and who benefits from it???
High Seas
Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2011 08:10 am
The Nobel "peace prize" is not awarded by the Swedish Academy - it's awarded by a bunch of leftist Norwegians who place political agenda above scientific accomplishment or other contribution to human knowledge. Even Al Gore got a "Nobel peace prize" from that crew, as did several terrorists.

It's not that I have much good to say about Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam, who got that "peace" prize in 1973 jointly with Henry Kissinger, but I do have to say this: the Vietnamese man exhibited integrity unknowable to our local pest in turning down the prize - and its estimated $ one or half-million.

And yes, the Nobel committee (even the laughingstock "peace" awarding crew in Norway) does have the right to withdraw the award.

In at least one case they tried to, the notorious case of Rigoberta Menchú (Nobel Prize in Literature) when Ms Menchú, a fanatic campaigner for those allegedly persecuted "indigenous peoples" was subsequently found to never have suffered any of the rapes, assaults, mental distress caused by imaginary murders of her non-existent brothers by equally imaginary right-wing South American militaries, and to have lied through the teeth on several other matters. Ms. Menchú sent word to Stockholm she had already spent the money so to avoid further ridicule the Swedes decided not to pursue the matter.

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