@Renaldo Dubois,
This hardly compares to what I posted. Did you watch the video I posted? If so, what are your thoughts on culture versus actual religious doctrine? To Muslims, it is the Persian and Byzantine, much like to the Christian it is the Greek and Roman. I think that part of your problem is that you can't tell where your own religion ends, and Greek philosophy begins. I think you'd learn a lot about your own beliefs if you were to study the eastern expansion of Christianity through the Assyrian church eastward into China. Much of what you cherish in your religion is the adoption of another culture, and is not an original creation of the religion itself. Similarly, the things you seem to hate about Islam are more related to the cultural adaptations of the regional kingdoms, and not of Islam itself. In the TED talk, if you watched it, you'd note that the presenter points out that the practice of female circumcision is NOT a Islamic creation, but instead a northern African one practiced even by some Christian sects in the area still.
Having this discussion with you has been mostly challenging because it seems you require a great deal of assistance in understanding the topic. I understand you have many feelings, but this discussion should be about facts.