Now answer my question---Do you really desire to destroy basic genetics by enforcing compliance with a false hypothesis? Is Ganja a new Lysenko?
I want to destroy the theory of evolution and widespread belief in same; that would not harm any real branch of science including biological sciences.
Let's improve the question in fact...
Let's suppose it's about 1905 and the crowned heads and rulers of Europe along with Teddy Roosevelt were gathered at a special conference at the Versaille to discuss the future if any of the theory of evolution and suppose also that I had been born about 75 years earlier than I actually was and had gotten invited to the meeting.
Those guys were fairly bright and at least some of the major problems with evoloserism were known by 1905. It wouldn't have taken that much. They'd have all been saying things like:
"Wow, man, that gungasnake is one smart son of a bitch, evolution is a bunch of BULLSHIT and we need to ban it!"
"Der Gungaslange ist ein weiser Mensch..."
"He's right, man, what the **** do we need two world wars and to turn Europe into a ******* pig-pen for man?"
"Этот гунгаснайк - умный сукин сын..."
"What the **** do we need to let some evolutionite racist bastard kill all the hebes for man, who the ****'s gonna run our banks and stores and write violin music???"
They would have almost certainly outlawed and banned the teaching of evolution on the spot and rounded up all the Darwinists and social Darwinists and put them in zoo cages with the bars welded shut and signs warning people not to feed them.
NOW... the real question is, what effect if any would all of that have had on the biological sciences.
The answer is or should be obvious: they would be fifty or more years more advanced than they are now. Evolution is in no way, shape, or manner necessary or needed by any real branch of science and European civilization would have simply gone on from 1905 the way it had since the end of the Napoleonic wars; there would have been no world wars and England, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia would not have been turned into rubble on two separate occasions and, for that matter, the commie/libtard takeover of Russia would not have happened. All sciences would have proceeded uninterrupted.