@Renaldo Dubois,
You start out your questions are on a wrong premise to start with and then ask why the "left" do it.
Who first of are the "left" in your question?
Second, what are you bases for stating that he left treat Muslims like a victim class and Christian (which I am one and I am a left if a left is a democrat with some liberal leanings) as the oppressor class?
Most who argue that some political social conservatives (most of whom are so called Christians) who lump all Muslims with terrorist and extremist are demonizing a religion rather than actions of people. People have tried to make the point that there are people belonging to other religious groups who either have their own private courts and laws or they want to have laws which are religiously based into laws of the US which would make them no different than those Muslims who live in the US who want to have their own private Sharia laws of which I have personally seen little evidence of except in the minds of those aforementioned political social conservatives.
I think as both a Christian and an American citizen that we should simply render under the US government the things which are the government and things which are God's unto God. If we start mixing up it all up into some kind of untastey soup then we get into religious wars of which our country forefathers escaped to America in the first place for.