Let's stay in the present. Let's look at the world the way it is today. Going back in time is not going to solve the problem of Islamic terrorism. The world doesn't have a Christian terrorism problem.
So you don't think the persecution of innocent women by fundamentalist Christians is relevant? What about the Spanish Inquisition, is that also irrelevant? Do you just pick and choose the bits of History that support your own bigotry?
@Renaldo Dubois,
Tell that to the relatives of Ronan Kerr.
@Renaldo Dubois,
Or the relatives of Dr. George Tiller.
Tell the 3000 Americans who died in one day at the hands of muslims on 9/11. You're still comparing a mole hill to a mountain. Doesn't work. You are intellectually dishonest.
Quote:What about the Spanish Inquisition, is that also irrelevant?
The history of the insquisition in Spain was largely written by Spain's enemies.
In particular, Jews were not the main target. The main target was the large body of muslims remaining after the Moorish overlords were heaved out of Spain; those would have constituted a permanent fifth column and had to be either converted to Christianity or removed and that was in fact the choice they were given, i.e. convert, leave, or die. I don't have an easy time seeing what's unreasonable about that given the history.
I mean, unreasonable (just a little bit) would be what somebody like Tamerlane would have done with them...
The left has finally found a religion they like. The only problem is that the religion they like is still rooted in barbarism and 7th century attitudes.
@Renaldo Dubois,
Quote:The left has finally found a religion they like. The only problem is that the religion they like is still rooted in barbarism and 7th century attitudes.
It's a bandit tribe religion, specifically crafted for the purpose of controlling increasingly large confederations of bandit tribes.
The main problem with it is that the bandit-tribe model of society has been bypassed by events.
Exactly. The problem with the left is this: They are taught in their indoctrination centers that all religions are equal. Pick your poison so to speak. That is lazy intellectualism gone to seed, and you can witness that continually on this site. Lots of pseudo intellectuals around here, but that is the result of taking the teachings of educated dummies that are taught by other educated dummies. Very little actual discussion of facts, and a lot of arrogant intellectual dishonesty from the left. It's difficult to be honest when your agenda is to undermine American culture and history.
@Renaldo Dubois,
What about all the innocent Iraqis blown up in an illegal war? If you include state sponsored terrorism in your definition, the mountains and molehills swap places. The rich and powerful don't need to resort to terrorism, they've got armies for that.
So? What about all the Iraqis blown up in an illegal war? If the war in Iraq is illegal, then Bush and Obama are war criminals. Right?
Tell us how many innocent civilians were targeted by the US military and how many were targeted by Islamic terrorists.
@Renaldo Dubois,
Mr. Dubois stated,
They are taught in their indoctrination centers.
You really have lost a grip. What indoctrination centres are those then? Would that be the one next to the launderette, or the discount indocrination centre in the high street? You're the one who watches Fox 'news,' you're the one being indoctrinated.
How many Iraqi law abiding citizens were targeted by the US military and how many Iraqi law abiding citizens were targeted by Islamic terrorists in Iraq?
Quote:What about all the innocent Iraqis blown up in an illegal war?
The common denominators in all recent illegal American wars has been demoKKKrat presidents. Best examples are Kosovo and the other Balkans operations and the **** currently going down in Libya. Iraq was fully justifiable unless you think that "just mnoving on(TM)" is a viable option when a dickhead like Saddam Hussein supplies weapon anthrax to a group of people like those 9-11 hijackers.
Quote:You really have lost a grip. What indoctrination centres are those then?
They're called "public schools(TM)". The day is fast approaching when the Christian majority in America is going to pull ALL of its children out of them.
Renaldo and Ganja are right. Islam is a stupid religion that demands conversion sometimes through violence.---but they haven't gone far enough--Christianity also suffers from the same sin.
Evangelism is unique to both sects. I don't see Buddhist, Taoists, Jaines, Jews, even Atheists (take your pick) preaching on corners. I have seen a millennium (or two) of sometimes violent religious repression in the name of their gawd, practiced by Christians and Muslims, for evangelism in the form of conversion by sword.
So a modest proposal. Maybe the best option is for the rest of the world is to recognize that this evangelistic spirit has led to repeated violence and repression. That Christianity and Islam must either shed their practice of evangelism and their mutual hatred, or a follow a thunderdome crusade solution.
Christian Soldiers and Islamic Jihadist one on one, fighting in a limited space neutral arena to justify their claim to the religion of peace.
As the rest of the world watches, the stupidity of killing for peace may become apparent; hopefully as Christians and Muslims go off to meet their makers. Then the rest of the world can repopulate by f**king for virginity.
But what do I know? According to Renaldo and Ganja everybody is a liberal and only conservatives are capable of higher thought.
Now a message for Renaldo and Ganja, because they probably won't get it. This post largely is satire. I post this as R&G both seem to have limited senses of humor*.
*Proof --Ganja's continued, pedantic, boring and tiring use of 'slam puns' for anyone that politically isn't Ganja.
How many law abiding Iraqi muslim citizens have been targeted and killed by American Christians and how many law abiding Iraqi muslims have been targeted and killed by muslim terrorists?
raprap said
Now a message for Renaldo and Ganja, because they probably won't get it. This post largely is satire. I post this as R&G both seem to have limited senses of humor*.
Thaose are not the only sences they are lacking. This is just plain old fashioned bigotry, dressed up to look respectable. Ganja's paranoid rants make him sound like a deranged cult leader and Mr. Dubois is just plain stupid.
Looks to me like the stupid one around here is the on who can't answer a simple question. That would be YOU. Calling people stupid and then not replying to direct questions is what I would call stupid.