The "My! That sounds dirty" game

Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 04:53 pm
Very Happy Laughing Razz
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Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 05:51 pm
Melvin nervously bent over, sweat ran down his pubescent forehead and into his scrunched eyebrows. He fumbled with his instrument and shot his load in to the organism, "Oops, Um, sorry!!!" He blushed.
He tried to mop up the mess and said, "Guess, I'll give that another try, eh!. Could you hand me another petri dish, please????"

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 05:52 pm

Bill lured me herE. He wants me to plaaaay. He wants me to play with you all! Play what I ask? Play with what, I ask? Play with-- words? Play with-- what did you say?-- Play with my what? Why, why, FRESH!!! I'm calling the ACLU!! Isn't that ORGANISM!!!!????

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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 06:18 pm
"Are you sure this is how to do the home Breathalizer test?"
"Yes, if you're too drunk to do this right you can't drive home."
"Well, so far I seem to be getting a positive result."
"Yeah, yeah, let's go back to giving me some more breath samples."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 07:13 pm
The decollete snails, each with its own personal decolletage morphed across the bluestone pavers towards the warm pool. The pool lights were on, and so they hung back, waiting, waiting, twirling their feelers. After a huge number of snail seconds, interminable really, the giants clinging together blocked out some of the light rays pulsing through the water. Feelers ahoy, chortled Sammy Slimo, let's go for a float!

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Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2004 10:56 pm
Frustrated in their attempts to dock, the newlywed astronaut couple soon learned flotation ain't all it's cracked up to be!

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Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 07:25 am
He had seen Stephanie's blue frilly panties once as she climbed over a stile on the farm, and since then his mind had been full of the voyeuristic pleasures of a coronation. However, she had other plans.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 11:22 am
The first day of class, as the botany professor looked over the spring crop in their neat rows, he spotted a particulary long-stemmed beauty, and thought to himself, "I'd sure like to harvest her!"

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 01:10 pm
She grabbed the nozze and helped him guide it in. He inserted the nozzel, rammed it in to get a tight fit and then proceeded to fiddle with it. Finally when a rhythm had been established, he released the switch and let the liquid pour forth. Now the tank was full, he slid the nozzle slowly out and looked up just in time to see the satisfied look on her face. He had accomplished the first goal, now they would have to take the truck out for a drive.

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Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 05:14 pm
Hurrying to get his teflon, Bert snagged his wok on a projecting nail.

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Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 05:49 pm
He loved to watch her wash her jugs. Her face lost in concentration as she slathered them with soap and water, rinsed them, gave them a quick wipe then set them aside to dry.

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Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2004 09:42 pm
He sprinkled a little powder on his dingos after gently patting them dry. Rescued from the wild as pups, they were his babies, and they weren't going to have fleas.

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Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2004 01:23 pm
She oiled her hands, and deftly placed them on the terra-cotta. She massaged and caressed the soft lump upwards, till it began to take shape. She let her fingers skim the outer sides and slowly applied pressure as she kept the throbbing mass in check. She decided at that moment, the glistening, raw tubular vase would be lovely, covered in a lilacs.

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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 05:44 pm
She almost went mad when he asked her if she would, "....like a little humpty at my place."

When she got to his place she was all charged up and ready until he asked "How do you like yours - over easy or scrambled, or the usual; hard boiled?"

long and strong
0 Replies
Mr Stillwater
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 06:01 pm
I gave it to her; long and strong. She bought it up to her eager lips.

"Thanks. I really need a coffee this morning".

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 10:11 pm
She wasn't exactly adverse to trying new things, but she hesitated when he pulled out his polpettone.
She was a traditionalist by nature, and momma never told her it would be like this. It was kind of squishy looking but she had gone this far so she closed her eyes, nibbled a little, then squealed in delight, " now thatsa meat-a-loaf!"

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 10:11 pm
She almost fainted when she saw the size of the thing. The polpettone was bigger than anything they'd tried, to get in, before. There was noooo waaayyy it would fit.
She eyed it nervously as he dragged it forward. He pushed it up to the entrance, until he met resistance. Then he ran his fingers, round the edges, all the while... knudging his package in deeper.
"You know, Charlie... one more, good push oughta do it... and this baby... is.... in!" her husband said, to the delivery guy. "My wife loves this Italian sofa!"

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Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2004 08:31 am
Be very, very careful of her choppers. She is the hog mama of the neighborhood and will cut off anybodies hands who touches them.........

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Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2004 06:02 pm
She couldn't wait til she could straddle the hog and feel the wind in her hair.

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Mr Stillwater
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2004 06:39 pm
littlek wrote:
Mr Stillwater, you should go hammer something.

And I'd prefer to be on my back if you're planning to screw that thing in. And careful with my jugs, I wouldn't want them marked by your handling them".

"Lawdy", I thought to myself, "This is definately the LAST time I'm offering cut-price kitchen renovations to the A2K crowd!".

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