Why are you all comparing penises and breasts?
They serve biological and social purposes that are not at all comparable.
One is the male gentalia. It has a pivotal role in human reproduction.
The other are glands designed to feed babies.
Logically they are no more sexual than a neck or a stomach. They are not at all required for procreation. They have been somehow sexualized in our current culture but breasts are not genitaila.
Women do have genitalia of their own. However, in our culture both males and females keep their genitals pretty well covered in most social environments.
In my opinon this is a good thing. I don't personally care to see any genitalia (male or female) that I am not intimately involved with.
If you want to make a fashion statement with any other body part I am all for it.
Why compare 'em? Because they both stick out, I guess....
...well then dlowan, you should cover those ears!
that was brilliant, ebp
My ears stick UP, not OUT - smarties!
dlowan wrote:My ears stick UP, not OUT - smarties!
<< withholds obvious response showing an amazing amount of good taste and restraint >>
<someone's trying to kill me with snorts>
So I spent years, really, years, in restrained fear lest my bra strap show in a sleeveless sheath. By the time the fashion for wearing bras and slips as a statement came around, I was ready for it, at least to the extent that a little lacy edge won't destroy my persona, or something. Interestingly, to me, just about the time I was rescued by Madonna et al, I ceased to give a damn. However, I still live among gentlefolk who do, who never have a wrinkle before donning the attire and never never have dog hair appended.
Maybe it is my art background, gained fairly late along, as I started noticing creativity seriously/playfully only around age 30. But, isn't clothing for amusement? Ok, not throughout the world at all times, but ....
some times??
Osso - I spent my teen years IN THE 80s worrying about letting my bra straps show. I stopped worrying in my early 20s and as a bartender in my late 20s I'd intentionally wear clothing that would reveal my straps. I had a friend who'd wear her thong high and her belt-line low to show her other straps.
This, littlek, becomes somewhat less fetching with a few more years, cutest around (fill in the blank), but does have reverberations up through the generations, thankee.
Wow, littlek, you and your friend are/were ahead of your time.
I always found it highly satisfying when the correct camisole (I don't wear bras) was clean and waiting when I decided to wear a certain top. It's been like a game that I've played all my life. When I wore a white tee, the smooth black camisole was the perfect undergarment. Anything else was cause for the kind of nagging fear that osso talked about. A sleeveless top called for a camisole with thin straps, a deep scooped neckline called for a camisole with straps set far out on the shoulder. Having the correct undergarment at any given time calls for a sort of discipline, forcing you to do your laundry often, keeping your things clean and at the ready at all times.
Oh well. It's what my mother taught me. I learned to appreciate the lesson of being prepared and having your **** together. Buy in multiples. Can't have too many smooth, black camisoles.
OK, finally it doesn't matter, except amusement at a local level. We can in fact relax.
Except there are various guys around whose mothers never had a slovenly strap show, ever ever. Hissssssssssss.
No one does. Ptoooooooooooey!
Last year a friend visited from Ireland and the bra strap that was showing was clear plastic. My first thought was "how sweaty she must feel" ........ yikes!
We don't need those MOTHERS!