Sun 28 Dec, 2003 12:07 pm
There is some debate about vpl or visible panty-lines; some people think they are a definite faux-pas, but some men seem to like them.
What about bra lines?
I was shopping online on Victoria's Secret and they make a big deal about their t-shirt bra and seamless bras, and charge a lot more for them.
Of course they charge more for seamless bras. If they can convince some ditzy woman that bra lines are objectionable, she deserves to pay more.
Sheesh.............What some people will do to be "fashionable"!
As I'm a male and don't wear them this is a non issue for me, but... what the hell is this all about? Maybe everyone should wear tents.
Acquiunk - It is just another spin of the old baloney that women have been handed for years.
"A woman is not attractive, unless they look, smell, act a certain way."
Advertisers have made fortunes convincing women, (and girls) that in order to be desirable, they need to be sultry and skinny, giving rise to an epidemic of eating and other emotional disorders.
It's really funny. I always thought that after the women's movement, females had gotten beyond perceiving themselves as objects for the amusement of men. Seems that I was wrong.................
I think men like anything that draws their eyes to breasts or booties and crotches but a smooth, seamless bra is much better when wearing something fitted. The lines of the garment aren't disrupted by bumpy seams and fabric textures.
It matters to women moreso than men, I would guess. Guys don't care.
As a male, I don't care.
I have heard that women dress more for women than for men. My impression is that for most of us men, this type of detail doesn't matter in the least.
Eoe, I don't know what you mean by your crass generalization of men. I tend to find clothes that are obviously trying to draw my attention to any particular body part insulting and a turn off (unless of course it is just for me in a private setting...)
Bra lines don't last forever. They tend to disappear shortly after you remove the bra.
Please forgive me, ebrown. You're absolutely right. I should have said many men, or a lot of men, not just men in general. I'm sorry.
This is a personal thing with me, I do hate to see lines on a bra, and I will not buy one that is not seamless. It's sorta like being all trussed up and nothing attractive about that, even when you stop turning blue!
How come men don't have to have something so tight on their private parts that it leaves an impression on them:) I want to know that! And, why do we show women's breasts and not men's penis?????
I'm surprised at some of the posts here.
Nobody's forcing women to wear anything. The old mantra about how it's men's fault for the things women are willing to wear is absurd.
It's not men's "objectification" that causes women to wear this. Things like panty lines being a gaffe are usually propagated by women. Men don't check out women because of the clothes for the most part.
Irrational feminism does a disservice to women's rights. It's not the fault of men that women's clothes are more complicated than ours.
It's not men's fault that you see more breasts than peni.
If you pay to see peni peni will be seen. If more people start paying to see it it will become more prevalent.
Trends are market driven, and free floating. That women try to blame men for everything under the sun does them no boon. It's just sexism.
I prefer not to see the lines of women's undergarments when I look their way, but I don't make an isue of it, privately or otherwise. It's just a preference.
Same here Edgar. Just a preference.
"Taste is like an ass, we all have our own".
I've never seen "peni peni" in a sentence before. It's just one of the ways that Craven and A2K have enlightened me...
I prefer seamless underwear because it's more comfortable to me. I like to feel that I look good in my clothes; to me, this means that they fit well, don't pull or have bulges where they shouldn't, and that my outer garments are visible, but not my under-ones.
Thank you for expressing my opinion so well.
You said exactly what I was about to, though
more clearly and succinctly than I can myself.
Wy wrote:I've never seen "peni peni" in a sentence before.
It's an Indonesian dish like 'gado gado' - isn't it?
I know, about 5 user accounts ago you said the same thing.
Peni USED to show, far more than boobi - they had li'l parti-coloured pockets, and lil apparati and all.
Check out mountain Nuigiuni for major visible peni! They wear looooooooooooong gourds over 'em.
And - who will ever forget the cucumber in Spinal Tap? Or the saying "Pants so tight you could tell his religion!"
Peni and boobi come and go - if I may be forgiven the pun.......
Personallly, I like seamless bras, too - who wants to appear to have breasts with teeny little trainlines running along their crest, as it were?
Arsii come and go, too....
Since I like to wear clothes that are generally about a size too big, there's rarely danger of any undergarment/line appearing - unless my pants fall off, or somethin' like that.
Me too eh!
The colder the place the more worth you place in comfort and warmth than in fashion. Survival.