it was really weird.
I was around 15 at the time and i am now 18
its been going on for that long.
the fact with those people were that they were a very tight group of friends.
Because of the argument made when he and I were together (between me and one of my friends) they pretty much believe what any of them would say about me.
the main things were "shes upset with us because we dont approve of him" - I never knew they didnt approve until later on when they started saying why they didnt approve of him.
"She hates all of us" I didnt hate them, nor did I say a bad thing about them.
"shes ditching us for him again" I barely spent time with him while at school (I would just say hi and speak a bit to him) and never said no to hanging out with them after school.
We had issues with me making other friends as they would keep getting into other people's ears telling them 'bad things' about me. which most werent true.
it just got really ridiculous and i barely spoke to anyone throughout the year.
my school was very focused on social instead of schooling. So if one person said something about another, it was INSTANTLY true no matter how ridiculous it was.
My parent's had nothing against him, they would ask me whats wrong a lot and id get annoyed and not want to explain, so it would cause issues.
I did listen to everything they all said, and valued their opinions, until my 'friends' started yelling at me about it all and trying to sink their fake points down my throat. I knew a lot of things one of the girls lied about as she would forget what she said a lot and would make up a completely different story.
Now, with me and him... I guess we both just feel that its going to end up the same way. Even though I am not friends with them anymore. As if they find out, theyll just keep causing more conflict.
He and I speak a bit now, and I would like more. but Its just the fear of people causing issues and stressing us both out thats the problem.
he has school to study for and I have my classes to study for too. (I've left school but I am in uni at the moment)