Fri 4 Mar, 2011 07:13 pm
So.. I think technically speaking the argument could be made for either one..but I'm dying to know the answer from a true english geek.
"A life-less loser with 1 million dollars ceases to be either" - I think this is correct
"A life-less loser with 1 million dollars ceases to be neither" - Actually I think the case could be made for either. But would love a professional opinion.
@Arella Mae,
but my thought was that "ceases" is a negative word.. so "ceases to be neither" sounds almost like a double negative.. am I way off?
If, as you believe 'ceases' is a negative,so too is neither (or not either).That means that it is as you say,a double negative, and makes the first example the correct one.