realjohnboy wrote:
Total For 2011 Budget Bill: 260 Total Against: 167
Republicans For: 179 Republicans Against: 59
Democrats For: 81 Democrats Against: 108
Those are the numbers as I have them. I kind of had to cobble them together from several sources. It looks like the Dems saved Boehner from an embarrassing defeat.
Not just an embarrassing defeat - the bill failing today would have in fact shut the gov't down. That would have been disastrous for Boehner and for the whole country really.
This whole thing has turned out about as badly as it possibly could have for the Republican leadership in the House. I saw this posted by a commenter at Talking Points Memo:
Quote:So, let me see if I have this straight. In the period of less than 7 days:
- It looked almost certain that the Federal government was going to be shutdown.
- At the 11th hour, Boehner, Reid, and Obama "made a deal."
- For the next few days, everyone was crowning Boehner as the master politician -finally a Speaker of the House who was an effective leader of his entire coalition and could use that clout to muscle the political opposition.
- At the same time, Dems were in great despair. Obama gave up too much. Our economy was now going to be in free-fall. Obama was now about to sell out Medicare and the Middle Class too!
- Then, come yesterday, it seems pretty clear that the budget deal was, in fiscal terms, pretty minor. The amount of money that was negotiated, let alone the punch-the-hippies policy riders, was all small potatoes.
- And, yesterday, Obama came out hard, at least rhetorically, against the GOP.
- And today, Boehner looks less powerful than Hastert. Eric Cantor must be struggling to suppress a permanent grim. And the most prominent GOP figure right now in the news is Donald Trump.
On top of this, the media and economists haven't been holding back much when it comes to pointing out that Ryan's proposed budget is a joke. It has been revealed that the Heritage foundation analysis upon which his estimates are based was completely and totally faulty in a variety of ways, but Ryan refuses to repudiate it despite the problems.
Tomorrow, the House is supposed to vote on Ryan's budget. I have a very hard time believing that they will get enough Republicans to sign on to destroying Medicare and cutting taxes for the rich, in an election year. The Democrats are literally praying that they do pass this bill, because we will use this to eat them alive in the next campaign.