Setanta wrote:In all seriousness, I've been using the 'Net since '95 and have been posting in web forums and message boards for years. Why is it on a large number of forums/web forums I've been on I inspire such a cult following? Why do people find me so fascinating?
It's a curse I tell ya. I've been similarly victimized usually by grouchy old men with animal avatars. Embrace the space.
Setanta wrote: DO I seem THAT weird, odd, eccentric or peculiar to people?
Yes, and to aardvarks as well.
Setanta wrote:Do I come across as being somewhat Kaufmanesque?
Keep dreaming Sport and stop insulting a long line of Kaufmans (of which I'm part of as Mother was a Kaufman) by insinuating that a mere myopic mugwump such as you could be one or in any way shape or form be Kaufmanesque (Andy, George, Wolf, Nate or tother}
Setanta wrote:IS it my personality, or is it the way I think? I'm a Born-Again Christian-I don't believe in compromising my beliefs with anyone. Is it my boldness/outspokenness? I don't mind attention but not to the point people DEDICATE threads to me. On one site some people wanted to set up a FAN CLUB for me.
I think I'm getting TOO OLD for such attention.
It's because we heard you have a magic spaceship that can take us to where the treaure is. Now come here and we'll all give ya a hug.