You know (& I'm almost half-serious
) I think there's something to be said for suspending school during the period of adolescence, when young peoples' hormones are rioting, when they can't sit still & concentrate, when they are so preoccupied with themselves, when they're minds are so obviously elsewhere ....
Why not just let them run around a lot, get all that energy out of their systems, get to know the opposite sex better, deal with the things that are actually preoccupying them?
Then, when they've that gotten all that out of their systems, come back & give education a go when & if they're ready & motivated?
Of course I'm being tongue in cheek here, but seriously, I have seen so many of the best intentioned efforts of teachers & parents thwarted, because some adolescents are simply too preoccupied with other concerns at this stage of their lives.
I have seen so many of those young people who have "disappointed" their parents and teachers during high school, return to education later in life, when they are actually motivated, achieve terrific results.
Whether this will be the case in or not for this boy or not, who can say?
And whatever the reason he is 15 years old still in 8th grade, treating him in this way is not going to help matters much at all.
More likely he'll remember this humiliating experience for the rest of his life, with considerable ill feeling toward his mother.