Mon 21 Feb, 2011 08:54 am
"Sixty-nine years old, and you're America's stud," Tim Russert told Rumsfeld when he interviewed him on NBC's Meet the Press (1/20/02); Larry King informed him that "you now have this new image called sex symbol" (CNN's Larry King Live, 12/06/01). Fox News' Jim Angle (12/11/01) called him "a babe magnet for the 70-year-old set."
"Sixty-nine years old, and you're America's stud,"
stud = strong, virile, male.
Yes, Punkey is exactly right for the context. However there is a bit more behind the term.
The word comes from the world of animal breeding. The breeder will choose a male with superior genetic traits and designate him a "stud" animal. This means he will mate with all of the best females (the goal being genetically superior offspring).
This term "stud" used to imply a man whose superior traits gave him the ability to mate a number of desirable females. I think the term has softened over the years.