I goofed the spelling and forgot to check before posting. Christ disappears in the middle of a crowd.
poof just as they are about to toss his blaspheming ass over a cliff.
But you're missing the point of my inquiry. We know what life is like now, pond scum and all, (Hail, Cousin Algae! Hail, Brother Jellyfish!) but what I'm asking is how would life be different if God/god/gods were involved in the process. They clearly are not.
You keep trying to make this a retelling of the same completely unacceptable, at least to me, resume of the purported deity now running things so badly.
Okay. Maybe just a peek.
Just look at what a mess evolution is. Instead of just creating a couple of million species, all able to coexist with each other and changing conditions, the present supposed Lord and Master of the Universe has churned out multi-
trillions of species which failed to thrive. It's a good thing General Motors doesn't run their new model division like that (or maybe they did for a few years)..... ah.
The guy just can't get it right, poor baby.
Oh and I've got to say that the whole Midrash thing is the worst part of all the Abrahamics. The conceit that there is some group who really GETS it while the rest of the rubes are, well, rubes pervades all three and it's just wrong.
There is no super secret code, no actual hoo-doo undermeanings, no recipe revealed for the special sauce. It's all made up. Making it more spookier doesn't make it any realer, if that is a word, more real, I guess.
That's the kind of thinking which killed William Tyndale. You remember him, right?
That boy wanted to print the bible in English instead of the sacred Latin. Whoa! Can't have the hoi poloi reading the inside information in their own language, can we now? King Henry VIII's men chased him all over Europe, got him, brought him back to England, slammed him in prison for his effrontery for a couple of years, then had him strangled and burned publicly. Wow! That'll teach him to cross the elites who had taught for 1000 years that scripture
had to be in Latin. yeah boy.
So, what happened? Well,
three years after Henry VIII set light to William Tyndale, he paid for a new edition of the Bible, THE GREAT BIBLE.
Yeah.......It was in English and they used nearly all of William Tyndale's supposedly blasphemous and sacrilegious translation. Nice guy that Henry, but he wanted to get into Ann Boleyn's pants and the old elite, the Roman Clergy and Church weren't going to stop him.
That's the kind of thing that goes on once people start separating out into we's and them's, us'uns and youse guys.
Joe(we are all the same: stardust and pond scum)Nation