georgeob1 wrote:
Why is it you accept the results of polls from liberal groups and news organizations without apparent question or comment, but so strenuously object to others that yield results with which you disagree?
Because I read the cross-tabs of every poll I see on the subject and find less to object in, in the ones I choose to post here.
Why - did YOU bother to read the questions of any polls? Do you look at the sample size? The question order? Anything?
The answer to all of those is clearly no. Yet you feel you have standing to criticize those of us who do. There are several polls that I've seen which support the Dems' position, but haven't been posted here by me because I don't feel that they have a large enough sample size, or they were obviously partisan polls for the Dems.
The real question is where you believe you even have the standing to question me on such things - considering that you are a black hole when it comes to research, evidence, 'proof'

or any facts really. There's no comparison between the level of research the two of us do, because you do none at all.
Quote:In any event, notwithstanding the well organized union protests, there does indeed appear to be a wave of action at state levels to restrict the actions of public service unions, and it appears very likely that substantial success will be achieved in most cases.
So you keep repeating. Yet, I ask you: why is it that the WI bill is no closer to passage today than before?
And what other states are considering or GOING to pass such a bill? You state that there's a 'wave of action.' Well, which states? How are those bills going? Be specific! After all, you came here and made a specific claim; surely you can back it up. That's the least I would expect from any poster.
Quote:You are of course free to declare this a victory for your prejudices. However when the furor subsides the power of public sector labor unions will have been significantly reduced.
A prediction! I'm bookmarking this page so that later on I can link to it. I'm sure you are aware there is an excellent chance that the power of public sector labor unions will not actually be significantly reduced, and you will have been shown to be incorrect. What will you say then? We will find out!
Is James Morrison really as ignorant of the facts as you claim?
Yes, he displayed a deep ignorance on the topic in that post, and if that reflects his true opinion, he is ignorant. And if you agree with him, you are as well.
Quote: Are you really the all-knowing scholar of these topics you so loudly claim to be?
I've put in hundreds, probably thousands, of hours of study on this topic in the last two years. So yes, I feel confident in my ability to discuss the situation, and I know the order of events and how the different segments of our financial system, society at large, and government worked together to cause the crisis. I am willing to go into depth on this subject at any time, and what more, every time I attempt to engage a right-winger on this subject, they retreat - after it becomes obvious that they haven't done the research and are ignorant about basic facts of both the law and the way that our system worked.
Quote: My experience has taught me to suspect most those who boast the most loudly and frequently. Real wisdom and understanding usually doesn't involve such repeated chest thumping.
I don't run around in my normal life bragging about how much I know about the financial crisis, George. But neither do I suffer fools and lies to be repeated without challenge. This is a political (any topic, really) discussion site, and if you aren't prepared to be challenged on what you say - and have no way to back it up - I think you fundamentally misunderstand what you are even doing here.
But, hey - maybe you're right, and I don't know anything on this topic. Want to find out? I'll start another thread in which we can discuss it, in depth, with links and evidence to support our positions. Let me know when you're ready.