I saw one poster from the protest in Michigan where the republican governor wants to do much of the same thing, saying share the pain, and reducing taxes on the business class... It said: Tax the Rich.... Funny how with all their heads and all those eyes that the idea of taxing the rich never enters into the republican mind set... If they were to follow their money, the people would find that little enough of it stayed in the state, and most of it went to New York, or London, or Tokyo, or Beijing... Watch how this redudancy of government allows to finger pointing and shifting of blame to go on and on, with the people left holding the bag... The feds don't tax the rich and let the people get exploited into poverty... Then, they tell the states they have to tax the poor even more and can't help the states going broke, and the states have to tell the schools and the colleges and the cities that they are on their own, and every man for himself... There is no need for this redundancy of government... The state government can do double duty in washington; but some one some where has got to be responsible, and with two parties and revolving leadership, no one is...
Here is my thought, waterman... At least some one has got the balls to stand up and say enough... What ever you say about the people of the middle east, at least they have got their nerve... We got nothing so far...