@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper wrote:
Robert Gentel wrote:The only thing preventing you from picking a country is fear.
All countries have ridiculous laws that I refuse to consent to. The only suitable spots would be deserted islands or floating around on an iceberg. Maybe Bill Gates could survive like that but I'm not that rich.
Abalard said that Ius, Justice is the Genus, and Lex, law is a species of it; and this means that if a law is not just, it is not law, but only coercion...
Some people, having no regard for honor or the honorable threads which bind people to peaceful cooperation, think of law as a thing in its self, which it is not, and use it for their own ends and benefit which they should not because there is no long range benefit to such behavior...
If justice does not come out of a law no one should put any energy into obediance to it... And You are the best judge of what is legal and just, because if a law does not serve you, but harms you when your activity harms no one else, then that law in unjust... And, unjust laws teach immorality, because once people have become used to avoiding and disrespecting all law they have no respect for even just laws, or the trust and honor that should hold us together...
In this country far too many laws are made which injure many, and help but a few... There is a lesson there, that forms like law and government can be corrupted, and must often be replaced...