Tue 23 Dec, 2003 11:35 pm
Sat Sri Akal
I would like to share something with you all...
Today my grandfather had an open heart surgery... He had a sweare third heart attack on Dec 11, 2003 and was diagnosed as having an acute blockade in all the three artelleries in heart. Doctors recommended an open heart surgery...
Six hour operation was OK... He is slowly responding...
Let us prayer to Waheguru for his good health...
I wish him a recovery and long life.
IDEAL - Waheguru is in my thoughts as are you and your family.
I hope for a speedy and painless recovery.
Thanx everybody to your kind goodwishes... He is +ively respoding to treartment and should be discharged in a week or so...
Hope he's feeling better soon. :-D
Greetings, Ideal Singh, and best wishes to your grandfather. It is good to hear that he is recovering! I hope he continues to do so and regains his health to live a long, long life. Do you like the Song of One Word?
'Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera TheraThera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera Thera '