Quote:The design of Z15 is expected to incorporate unique Chinese features. The outer look of a Zun (a Chinese drinking vessel), the mechanism of bamboo works, or the Kung Ming lantern, as well as the overall planning of the skyline (urban silhouette ?)of CBD gateway—all these indicate that this is going to be a new structure to be located in the capital city, which reflects the Chinese culture and represents the future of Beijing.
The above quote is a description of the tallest building to be constructed very soon in Beijing. I am not sure if the paragraph makes any sense to foreign readers, especially the "skyline" or "urban silhouestte" part, because I am not familiar with the architecutral concept, so I used either of the two terms to translate the Chinese concept of "kongjian yixiang".
I compared the "axonometric projection"of the proposed construction of the tallest building in Beijing, and found out that it is similar to an axonometric project of, say, the Disneyland.
The Chinese equivalent for "axonometric projection" is no other but "kongjian yixiang". So, can I use "axonomic projection" to replace "skyline" or "urban silhouette" in the above quote? That is,
Quote:The design of Z15 is expected to incorporate unique Chinese features. The outer look of a Zun (a Chinese drinking vessel), the mechanism of bamboo works, or the Kung Ming lantern, as well as the overall planning of the anoxometric projection of CBD gateway—all these indicate that this is going to be a new structure to be located in the capital city, which reflects the Chinese culture and represents the future of Beijing.