Does light have Mass?

Reply Sun 1 May, 2011 01:13 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Help me understand why you can not work if you hear one voice, multiple voices or God's voice in your head. Work is good for the soul.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sun 1 May, 2011 04:18 pm
Makes sense to me. You are just concerned
ok well this topic was about me trying to understand why light has no mass. If you can keep to the appropiete topinc or trow in some imput about the subject I would appreciated. Ill answer your question in the appropiete topic ok.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Tue 24 May, 2011 03:53 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
Ok now maybe its not called 'mass' but in a ray or wave of light. Theres something there conecting the wave all the way tru right? ?I mean I dont understand physices well. But it seems logical that theres something for evreything. The proff mentioned a dip in space. That statement alone indicates theres somthing maybe not called mass. But something there. The point I am trying to get at wouldnt you also have diferent densenties of that something? Isnt the mathamatical furmula for the total weight of the universe. Isnt it inconplete. Couldnt this so called Frabric. If you could give it some kind of weight value wouldnt that just about complete some of the weight missing? So ok i dont understand like Alot. And I am missing alot of facts. But if its a fabric sounds to me like different densenties of something. Ok not mass but my question is geared to What then?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 09:00 am
Still haven't read about Schizophrenia...try www.webmd.com to enlighten yourself? Oh and www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov has some really good information on the disease also. In fact I like the second site better it's got more comprehensive information. After you read on it, then pose questions ok? And stop following pete around to pester him?
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 01:11 pm
No pester please. I dont have a coledge education. Most of you guys do. I cant read a book all the way thru. Most of yall can. I proccess information differently. Like It took me a wile a few mispellings of schzophrania. To find it on trhe web md one. But the gene one that one got me lost. I wont be able to obtain the information that you were trying to send from that one. Gene mapping seems soo complex. And I am a simpled minded man. I mean if a gene can produce all that it produces. Well lol thats aloot more things.. Well look around you. Pretty much evreything you see was manufactured by dna. At least in this earth lol. Dna is the major force of change of this planet. Evreything is transformed by it. So to me decoding Dna also includes the ability to manufacture evreything it does. Be nice to build a bridge with the same substance as spider web huh? Decoding dna is waaaayyy above my head lol. But all I can say is its the future. Ok think I got of topic. So did the question I made about evreything being conected and have diferent densities make any sense? Probaly not huh? Ya I see things clearly in my mind but I seem to have a hard time to comunicate my point accross. And please Its not a bother yall are helping me and all can say is Thank you.
0 Replies
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 01:37 pm
wait I think I understand what you were trying to say. We can early indentify this disease thru genetics? Was that the point of the second link?
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 01:54 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
I was asking enlightened to read about the disease and stop pestering YOU. =)
Since he's not on the right thread, and its clear he still hasn't read.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 02:04 pm
Ohhh sorry. My mind gets lost sometimes. I missunderstod. Smile Thank you Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 May, 2011 02:15 pm
oops sry the second site wasn't specific enough

Awesome info on Schizophrenia =)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2011 07:29 pm
Peter, I like your questions. Even though you act like they are simple, they make us have to think deeply, in terms we are not used to.

There are some assumptions in your questions that I think are incorrect, but understandable. I don't believe something has to have mass to be changed, pulled or warped. Also, a thing does not have to have mass to exist. So for example, when you take some of the iron filings from your work on construction, and you lay them on a table, then you put a magnet near them, the filings jump toward the magnet. The filings and the magnet both have mass. But before the filings jump toward the magnet, they are not touching. But there is SOMETHING in that space between the two. That SOMETHING pulls the filings toward the magnet. If you take the magnet away, what is in that space now? What is pulling the filings? Where does that something go when you take the magnet away? It is a SOMETHING that exists, but it has no mass. It is a SOMETHING that changes. It changes when you take the magnet away. You know it changes, because when the magnet is there, the filings will move. When the magnet is not there, the filings don't move.

When you take the magnet away, you change the SOMETHING that has no mass.

People will say it is a field, or there are photons or electromagnetic forces involved. All correct but beside the point. The point is, there is a something there and it has no mass. And that something can be changed.

So now, there is something else, called space. It has no mass. But it can be changed. Not just by a magnet, but by anything that has mass. Take the mass away, and the something changes.

Now the old saw: E=MCsquared, so therefore energy and mass are the same thing right? WRONG. Ice and water are made of the same thing, but they are not the same. You cannot drink a pint of ice--you have to melt it into water first. You can convert one into the other. They are equal, theoretically, in the sense that you can calculate how many pints of water you will get if you melt 20 oz's of ice. It's the same with mass and energy. You can calculate exactly how much energy a kilo of mass CONTAINS. But the point is, it is CONTAINED. It has to be removed for the container, that is, converted into energy, but it isn't energy until it is converted. After it's converted it is energy and isn't mass. The energy doesn't have mass. It might have the equivalent of mass, but it isn't mass itself. You can also calculate how much energy would have to be CONVERTED into mass to make one hydrogen atom. But the point is: it has to CONVERTED. It isn't mass until after it is converted, at which point it is no longer energy.

And now for the monkey wrench in the works. It turns out, for reasons that are actually irrelevant to this discussion, that space might, just might, have some sort of mass, and that this mass produces the dark energy that is accelerating the universe apart. If you don't understand, don't worry, it's a new theory and most of the rest of us don't understand it yet either. (Source of info: Cosmology course on DVD from the Teaching Company, taught by Professor Mark Whittle, of U VA).
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2011 02:51 pm
Again I want to emphasise that I am not a scholary person I can barely spell most things. But if light or other forms of energy would leave some sort of residue behind. And if mass can be broken down to such a small piece of matter (or what ever you want to call it) when the light or other products that came from matter ceases to be light. Well something is left behind and being so small well it should be able to be more compacted alot more tightly or denser. I picture the Universe as kind like a sea of diferent desenties. Molecules being the lighter or less dense of these. I am not sure if the preasures of a black hole alow the spaces inbetween a molecule to exist but stuff like light rays and its residue to be pulled into it. Well that in itself should be proff that theres something there. I mean energy is another form of matter and nothing ceases to exist. So what form does energy take when is no longer consired to be energy? Do we have a word for it yet? So yes it seems obvios that theres something else out there. What is it I have not learned about it yet. Maybe someone out there can explain what happens to energy after its done being energy? Thank you.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2011 06:15 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
I dont know some of my thoughts may be far off, but in physics it says nothing disapears right? So mass turns into energy and when that energy disapates it turns into something else right? So my question is what is that something else called?
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2011 08:01 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
The last stop is heat, a unform heat so there is no available energy.

It is call the heat death of the universe.
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2011 10:44 pm
But still dont phisics tell you nothing ever disapears? It only transforms. So 1 gram of mass transforms to one once of energy thats then transformed into something right? So it turns into something. Well does it eventualy turn back into mass or something else. the point is that gram is never lost right? So what does it turn into?
peter jeffrey cobb
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2011 10:45 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
If is heat then what does that gram of heat goes into what form?
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2011 10:25 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
The energy doesn't disappear during heat death. The ability to do any work with that energy disappears. You need energy to be at different levels at different places in order to do work. If and when there is a heat death, the energy level will be the same everywhere, so no work will be possible.

What is work? Work is moving some piece of matter from one place to another. Work is making a light bulb shine. Work is running a dishwasher. Work is the nerve impulses transmitting signals in your brain as you think, and the muscles in your arms moving when you do push ups.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2011 10:27 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
It turns into energy or into mass. Those are the only 2 choices. If it isn't one, then it is the other.
Reply Sat 2 Jul, 2011 11:09 pm
Peter, you asked: "Maybe someone out there can explain what happens to energy after its done being energy?"

To a scientist, the answer is: "it becomes matter, because there's nothing else it can become if it is no longer energy."

But you have said you don't have that kind of background. So you are not using the word "energy" the way I'm used to. I will guess what you mean. I think you mean, like what happens the the energy in a battery when the battery is all used up. Right?

So, Peter, I think you are asking: "what happens to [USEFUL] energy after it's done being [USEFUL] energy."

And the answer is: it becomes USELESS energy. In other words, it becomes energy that can't perform work. In that case, Bill, above, was right. The energy in the battery becomes heat. Heat is another form of energy. Not as useful as the energy stored in a battery, but still energy. No energy is lost. Bu the ability to do work is lost.

Here's an example. You put batteries in a flashlight and turn on the flashlight. You are able to shine the flashlight for a few hours, and then the batteries die. The batteries were very "useful." because they held energy in a form that could do "work." In this case, the work was making the flashlight shine.

As the batteries were doing that "work" the energy in the batteries came out and made the light shine, and also made the flashlight and surrounding air a bit warmer. All of that energy was transformed from battery energy to heat energy. You can't make your flashlight shine with that heat energy, so heat energy isn't as useful as the energy was when it was in the battery.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:17 pm
@peter jeffrey cobb,
light is made up as photons which has mass(very very small but still mass). even if it didnt have mass it would still be affected by gravity because gravity is the bending of spacetime which was proved by einstein
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 07:56 pm
papatrott wrote:
light is made up as photons which has mass(very very small but still mass).

Photons do not have mass, and light doesn't either.

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