In decency I suggest:
"quomodo rem publicam habuerint quantamque reliquerint, ut, paulatim immutata, expulcherruma atque optuma pessuma ac flagitiosisuma facta sit, disserere"
I received by hand a publication,(a word basically, a scroll), a matter of utmost importance: the crying of teenage men, the practical pessimism that practically beats us on a cross, of sadness, of the vanity, of men.
paulatim immutata: matter of utmost importance
quid means happening
quo means word here, like quote, quomodo word of mouth, received by hand, rem publicam, brought to him, which altogether means a scroll
expulcherruma: crying
flagitiosisuma: flagellum, suma, beat while on a cross
atque optuma: the first blood, teenagers though, attic means above, optimum, basically teenagers, the first ones
disserere: sick vanity, disease, desire, deserter, dessert, desert, vain, sick
telepathically conceived by God.