The worlds first riddle!

Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 06:13 pm
I may not have a Doctorate in forensic science but I now know the shinbone is a device that is made for finding furniture in a dark room, which at my age I do what Mark Twain did… I get my daily paper, look at the obituaries page and if I'm not there I carry on as usual.

And it’s a bit like déjà vu; Stormy and Mark right on the button – look and weep peons…

I have seven boxes, five green and two red, in which I store my used toothbrush collection containing a total of 50 brushes.

The fewest number of brushes in any box is 5 and the greatest number of brushes in any box is 10.

The two red boxes are the only two boxes in the set containing the same number of brushes.

How many brushes are in each red box?

Using the letters in the word LUNCH, place one letter in each cell (*) so that no two identical letters are in the same row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally—not even on a short diagonal.

Outta morbid curiosity I’ve started you off with four letters…

BTW you have seven minutes to complete the task – or the puppy gets it -capeesh!

* * * * *
* * U * *
* * * H *
* * N * *
* C * * *
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 08:33 pm
Sadly not in time to save the pup.....


0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 06:37 pm
I don’t care what Twitter says, I for one wish Jes a positive result from her recent job interview. Speculation that she is off to LAPD is exciting, but premature to say the least and I do not subscribe to the notion that it stands for LAP Dancing!

Dear Stormy, you have the atypical combination of beauty and brains, that puzzle was indeed extremely difficult; I congratulate you on your perseverance and may I assure you the puppy is in fine fettle.

The same cannot be said for my used toothbrush collection! Where is Mark or Rocky, has anyone checked the local hospitals, or is the answer so elementary?

Talking of witch, have you been in the A2K gift store recently and seen the way they price the branded merchandize?

They price items using vowels and consonants!
A sandal costs $10 and a purse costs $8.
According to the same system, how much does a shirt cost?
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 07:49 pm
toothbrushes: 50-(5+6+7+8+9+10) = 5 in each red box
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2014 07:52 pm
shirt: $9 ($2/consonant, $1/vowel).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jan, 2014 05:55 pm
Oh the pain, the ignominy, oh woe is me; someone has it infamy!

The famous Jim Beam Whiskey Distillery of Boston Kentucky has been <sob> sold to the Japs!

Good bye to Knob Creek the smooth 9 year old bourbon, named after the area in Kentucky where Abraham Lincoln grew up… Thank Jeebus he is not here to witness this tragedy.

All I can say is, Shitsurei itashimasu:しつれいいたします

Thank you Mark, I am delighted that you are restored to us.

May I ask, that on a scale 1…>10, ten being, ‘You must be Joe King’ and one, ‘My cat could answer that’; where does the difficulty lay in these questions?

Now iffin’ y’all would just stop whistling Dixie for a moment and consider that I may be wearing a black leotard top, tight black pants, and five-inch peep-toe stilettos…

Three women: one engaged, one married, and one a mistress, were chatting about their relationships and decided to amaze their men....

That night. All three will wear a leather bodice S&M style, stilettos and mask over their eyes. After a few days they meet again.....

The engaged girlfriend said:' The other night, when my boyfriend came back home, he found me in the leather bodice, 4' stilettos and mask. He said,' You are the woman of my life, I love you, then we made love all night long.'

The mistress stated:' Oh Yes! The other night we met in the office. I was wearing the leather bodice, mega stilettos, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat, he didn' say a word. We just had wild sex all night.'

The married one then said:' The other night I sent the kids to stay at my mothers for the night, I got myself ready, leather bodice, super stilettos and mask over my eyes. My husband came in from work, grabbed the TV controller and a beer, and said,' Hey Batman, what's for dinner? '

Can you determine the largest four-digit number ABCD in which A+B=C
And B+C=D.

Well canyeah?

What is the largest number in which each digit after the first two is the sum of the two digits immediately before it?

Humorize me.

Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 12:36 am
Scale of 1 to 10:
The ones I get right: 1
The ones I miss: 10

ABCD: 9099.
largest number: 10112358.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 12:57 pm
Mark, if there is a better answer to the 1…>10 question anywhere on the internet, I have not yet seen and plagiarized it.

Your other answers are unfailingly accurate.

As y’all may know, Ima trying to raise funds for some gender realignment…
I’m looking to increase the size of my girlfriends rack in an effort to add some more spice into our life*!!!

So I open this challenge to ALL A2K members:

a) pick ANY prime number greater than 3.
b) square it.
c) add 14.
4) divide by 12.

Without even knowing the number you choose, I forecast that you had a remainder of 3.

If I’m right please pay ten bucks into my A2K account and iffin’…..
I’m wrong I will pay you the same (but you will have to tell me your number first)

Today I’m a three-digit number whose digits descend by twos.

The square of my first digit equals the two-digit number formed by reading my second and third digits together.

What cute number am I?

I have just discovered that five U.S. states end in an S.
First name those states. (No, keep them to yourself – I already know them)

Then take the first letters of each one, add the last two letters of the capital of Idaho, and rearrange those seven letters to make a common word without making a mistake?

BTW * I am looking for one of those sleek continental spice racks, any pointers would be appreciated. She is an excellent cook!
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 03:03 pm
Cute number: 864.
7 letters: I can't do it with out making (a) mistake.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 02:51 pm
People never ask me why 684 is a cute number, so Ima gonna tell you anyhow:

209th Detachment, 2325th Group, commonly known as Unit 684, was a black operation team of the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROK Air Force) whose only given task was to assassinate North Korea's premier Kim Il-sung. God bless you boys…

Oh and Mark for coming up with the answer (along with a cute member of A2K who wishes to remain anonymous)

Thank you to all the ‘marks’ who fell for my get rich quick scam, the fact is – you always get three as a remainder… whatever the number!

It sure is clever, but can anyone explain how the heck it works?

Back in the real world… Missy has unusual likes and dislikes (don’t worry cutie your secret is safe with me)…

She likes a ref but not an umpire, a piano but not an organ, epoxy but not glue and calm but not serenity.

Based on this information, will she like a taxi or a cab?

To alleviate the chance of guessing the answer; I respectfully request a reason to accompany the response.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage.

Thanking y’all in advance.

Now hear this; in the eight-term sequence A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, the sum of any three consecutive terms is 14.

If B=7 and F=4, determine the value of D?

Ha ha, some chance of that happening§

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 04:52 pm
Remainder of 3: All primes greater than 3 are of the form 6n+1 or 6n+5, where n is an integer.
Squaring 6n+1 yields 36n^2 + 12n + 1.
Squaring 6n+5 yields 36n^2 + 60n + 25.
Adding 14 to each yields:
36n^2 + 12n + 15
36n^2 + 60n + 39
Dividing each by 12 yields:
3n^2 + n + 1 with a remainder of 3
3n^2 + 5n + 3 with a remainder of 3

Missy: She'll like a cab because it contains consecutive letters that are also consecutive in the alphabet (rEF, piaNO, epoXY, caLM, cAB).

ABCDEFGH: The initial three terms of the sequence will repeat. Therefore A=D=G, B=E=H, and C=F. We know that B=7. Since F=4, C=4. Therefore A=14-7-4=3. Since A=3, D=3.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 03:04 pm
Sorry for being a little late, but I was hanging out in an Internet cafe when my server went down on me!!! That’s what I call service with a smile – well, it made me smile!

Dagnabbit Mark, them iz good answers.

All I can say is…

Vs lbh nfxrq Oehpr Fpuarvre gb qrpelcg guvf, ur'q pehfu lbhe fxhyy jvgu uvf ynhtu.

Please note:
You will need to know that ASCII upper-case characters range from 65 - 99, and lower-case characters range from 97 - 122. If the current character is in one of those ranges, add 13 to its ASCII value. Then, you check if you should have rolled over to the beginning of the alphabet. If you should've rolled over, subtract 26.

Just saying.

In the meantime, can y’all help me find a six-digit number in which the first digit is four more than the second; the third is one less than the second; the product of the first two digits equals the two-digit number formed by reading the third and fourth digits together; the fifth is the sum of the first and third digits; and the last digit is the sum of the fourth and fifth digits?

Last but not least…
How do you make 7 even, in the shortest number of steps?
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 05:28 pm
Gung jbhyq uheg!

six-digit number: 621279.
7 even: behead it - remove the leading s.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 04:03 pm
Mark, you are MAD.


Gung jbhyq uheg!”

OMG! You speak Klingon!!!

You are so naughty – but I like you.

I was reading an article in Play Dude (I only read it for its in-depth coverage of world events), in which a war correspondent wrote in 1940:

The pilot’s age at death was one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth.”

So naturally I wanted to know how old was he in 1900; in fact I want to know how old he was on January 3 when – The United States Census estimates the country's population to be about 70 million people?

To be fayre to the British: How about February 8 – Second Boer War: British troops are defeated by the Boers at Ladysmith?

And for the French: March 31 – the length of a legal workday for women and children is limited to 11 hours?… Quelle surprise!
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 06:17 pm
Pilot: I'm not sure about this one.
BY = Birth Year
Using 1940 = BY*30/29, I get that he was born no earlier than 1875.333...
Using 1941 = BY*30/29, I get that he was born earlier than 1876.3.

That puts his birth date on or after 5/2/1875 and on or before 4/19/1876, which means I'm not sure how old he was in 1900.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 02:02 pm
As a rule, should I post a question that defeated the combined minds of A>K I would shed tears of joy; instead I am bereft, due to the dearth of support one brave soul received.

I therefore offer succor mano-a-mano; with so little information is it even possible to find a date!

Stay with me and prepare to be amazed…

From the question we know the man died between 1900 and1940. We also know his age at death (x) is one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth (29x).

If you add his age at death to the year he was born you get the year he died (30x).

Only one year between 1900 and 1940 is divisible by 30, 1920 (the year he died).

The year he was born can now be found…

But do you know how?

Tales from the trailer park - to be continued......

My old Granma was out back shooting craps and she was hot having just shot boxcars; then it all goes quiet and she shouts out Try ya *** **** bum, why don’t ya go ***** yourself and by the way…

Iffin’ y’all can tell me the number of the die that just fell on the floor I will cook ya catfish pie for supper!

Then Gramps shouted over, hell boy, I makes that 84.

Now it just so happens that Gramps always performs the following sequence of operations on a number in this order:

Add 1.
Square the result.
Subtract 6.
Multiply the result by 8.
Add 4

The question remains – what number did that dear sweet old lady throw and will I gets me sum pie for supper?

Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 03:56 pm
I wrongly assumed the pilot died in 1940.

Granny rolled a 3.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 03:28 pm
Thank you Mark for ensuring I was the recipient of a generous slice of catfish pie adorned with turnip greens - Yum!

The only way is to work backward:

The square foot of 16 is 4

For those still chafing at the bit, the age of the pilot has been solved:

1920 * (29/30) = 1856.

So in 1900 he was (1900 - 1856) = 44 years old.

To answer all outstanding questions, there's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
 there's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim…

Here is a working implementation, without using the nested loop. You also don't need to split the string into an array, since you can index individual characters just like an array with strings in PHP.

You need to know that ASCII upper-case characters range from 65 - 99, and lower-case characters range from 97 - 122. If the current character is in one of those ranges, add 13 to its ASCII value. Then, you check if you should have rolled over to the beginning of the alphabet. If you should've rolled over, subtract 26.
$string = "Vs lbh nfxrq Oehpr Fpuarvre gb qrpelcg guvf, ur'q pehfu lbhe fxhyy jvgu uvf ynhtu.";

for ($i = 0, $j = strlen( $string); $i < $j; $i++)
// Get the ASCII character for the current character
$char = ord( $string[$i]);

// If that character is in the range A-Z or a-z, add 13 to its ASCII value
if( ($char >= 65 && $char <= 90) || ($char >= 97 && $char <= 122))
$char += 13;

// If we should have wrapped around the alphabet, subtract 26
if( $char > 122 || ( $char > 90 && ord( $string[$i]) <= 90))
$char -= 26;
echo chr( $char);

This produces:
‘If you asked Bruce Schneier to decrypt this, he'd crush your skull with his laugh.’

Six hamsters’ can eat 12 pizzas in 60 minutes.

At the same rate how many pizzas can four A>K moderators eat in two hours?

Guess what; I’m a four-digit number with ascending digits whose first two digit have a difference of two.

My third digit is even and the sum of my first three digits equals my last digit.

What number am I?

Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2014 01:01 am
pizzas: 16.
number: 1348.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2014 01:43 am
That's Great Example For Fact..
0 Replies

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