The worlds first riddle!

Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 04:56 pm
Tryagain wrote:

Mission Chocolate Run:

I make it you will require just two crew to support you in your quest.

I would suggest you take Dutchy and Rocky!

Dutchy makes one day and leaves his sack of 4 days’ supply and returns to base. (30 miles)

You and Rocky re-stock with a full (5) days’ supply; leaving 2 and set off.

Day 2 (60 miles) Four days’ supply each

Day 3 (90 miles) Three days’ supply each. Rocky leaves one days’ supply and returns (2 days to collect one of the two days’ supply at first stop.

Day 4 Lizzie makes it with one days’ supply left. (120 miles)

Day 5 Lzzie returns to the one days supply left by Rocky. (90 miles)

Day 6 Lzzie reaches 60 mile mark without any food.

In the meantime Dutchy in days 3 and 4 has reached the 30 >60 mile mark with three days’ supply.

Day 7 they both reach the 30 mile mark (with one days supply)

In the meantime Rocky, in day 7 has returned to the 30 mile stop with a fresh supply; and they all returned to a tumultuous welcome and lived happy ever after….

Or did they?

oh noooooooooooooooooooooo..... I have a different answer.... gonna have to work yours back now.... mines much simpler and I like a group of...........

Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:06 pm
Blue, Rock and Alex can only carry enough rations for five days. Three worthy deckhands. Hence, total of 20 days rations is available.
Day One : 4 days of rations are used up. Rocky goes back using one day of chocolate for the return trip. The chocolate remaining for the further trek is for 15 days.

Day Two : Iz, Blue and Alex use up 3 days of chocolate. Alex goes back using 2 days of chocolate for the return trip. The chocolate remaining for the further hike is for 10 days.

Day Three: Iz and Blue munch up 2 days of chocolate. Blue goes back using 3 days of chocolate for the return trip. The chocolate remaining for the further trek is for 5 days.

Day Four: Iz uses up one day of chocolate. She stays overnight in a 5* hotel and gives BEAgle a shore to ship phone call to make sure the rest of the crew is coco. The next day she returns to the Tor using 4 days of chocolate. Thus, total 4 crewmembers, including Iz are required for a yomp and they all lived happily ever after.

Oh errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:08 pm
Oh; I was gonna say TWO, I could work it out in my head; but not on paper! Shocked Crying or Very sad
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:10 pm
Tryagain wrote:

Oh; I was gonna say TWO, I could work it out in my head; but not on paper! Shocked Crying or Very sad

you can have one of these for being Blue http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/images-1.jpg
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:26 pm
Yup Izzie, that works; but you did say, “Please tell me the fewest number…”

I think you can leave Alex at home with my plan! Laughing Laughing Laughing

I still don't know how many Mark came up with! Confused
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:26 pm
X Razz
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 05:30 pm
Oh you're so grinning now! I just KNEW you would be right - HA!!!!!!!! http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/images-1.jpghttp://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/images-1.jpg

(I'll see if Alex can paint a wall for me a?)

Mark............. whaddya reckon - another solution!

Cool x

Reply Sun 16 Nov, 2008 08:16 pm
Try: The number is 18.

Izzie: You need one crew member (call him Try) in addition to yourself:

Izzie and Try walk 50 miles together. They've each used 1/3 of their provisions. Try gives Izzie half of his remaining 2/3, leaving him just enough to get back. Izzie can now go another 150 miles (70 to the boat and 80 back), putting her 40 miles from her destination.

Since Try was able to escort her to the 50-mile mark, he'll have no problem escorting her back from the 40-mile mark.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 10:20 am
Mission Chocolate Run:

I make it you will require just two crew to support you in your quest.

15 days supply

I would suggest you take Dutchy and Rocky!

Dutchy makes one day and leaves his sack of 4 days’ supply and returns to base. (30 miles)
Oh no he doesn’t. Oh yes he does. Oh no he doesn't. At the end of day one at 30miles Rocky, Dutchy and I have used 3 days supplies and have 12 days supply left.

Dutchy leaves on day 2 to return to the Tor which is 30 miles back and leaves us his remaining 3 days supply.

He has to use one day of his rations to get back so he only leaves us with 3 days supply. Therefore at the end of day one we have 15-3=12 days supplies
As Rocky and I leave 30 mile base camp we take 5 days supply each to carry and 2 days supply at 30mile base camp. (still 12 days in total left)

Rocky and I use a further 2 days supply by the time we reach 60 miles, Dutchy is back. Therefore 6 days supplies used, 9 days left.

You and Rocky re-stock with a full (5) days’ supply; leaving 2 and set off.

If we take 5 days supply each = 10days supply total " therefore we could only leave 1 day of supply at the 30 mile base camp as Dutchy will have used one to return to the Tor.

Day 2 (60 miles) Four days’ supply each at

60 miles camp we are left with 8 days of supplies
Day 3 (90 miles) Three days’ supply each.

6 in total.

Rocky leaves one days’ supply and returns (2 days to collect one of the two days’ supply at first stop. Leaving me with 4 days supply total. I use one to get to the Hotel and one to return to 90 miles, pick up supply left by Rocky giving me 2 days supply, use one day supply to get to 60 miles, and one day to return to 30 miles and find that Rocky has taken the one that we left and I am now stranded. [/quote]

Rocky was coco, using his 2 days supply to return from 90 to 60 to 30 mile base and picks up the ONE remaining supply and goes back to the Tor.
Day 4 Lizzie makes it with one days’ supply left. (120 miles)
Day 5 Lzzie returns to the one days supply left by Rocky. (90 miles)
Day 6 Lzzie reaches 60 mile mark without any food.
In the meantime Dutchy in days 3 and 4 has reached the 30 >60 mile mark with three days’ supply.

Where’d he get 3 extra days supply from. Shocked I didn’t give him any dosh to buy extra rations.

Day 7 they both reach the 30 mile mark (with one days supply)
In the meantime Rocky, in day 7 has returned to the 30 mile stop with a fresh supply; and they all returned to a tumultuous welcome and lived happy ever after….

Or did they?


Am I completely backsyforward here.
TOTAL = 15 days supplies
BLUES numbers:
Dutchy = 2 days
Rocky = 6 days
Me = 8 days

Sheesssssssssh...... uh uh ... they didn’t. I had to go without chocolate for 1 whole day whilst Rocky and Dutchy called in the dancing girls back at the Tor camp. Mmmmmmmmm....... thinking up punishment right now!!!!!!!

I am sure you can explain it to me....... Razz
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 10:24 am
markr wrote:

Izzie: You need one crew member (call him Try) in addition to yourself:

Izzie and Try walk 50 miles together. They've each used 1/3 of their provisions. Try gives Izzie half of his remaining 2/3, leaving him just enough to get back. Izzie can now go another 150 miles (70 to the boat and 80 back), putting her 40 miles from her destination.

Since Try was able to escort her to the 50-mile mark, he'll have no problem escorting her back from the 40-mile mark.

Mark....mmmmmmmmmmmm..... I am well confused right now....in your example " if I just got Try to help " and he travelled 50 miles with me and I made him sing “It’s a long way, to Ship-er-rary, It’s a long way to go” " he would have used one and two thirds days of rations and would need one and two third days of rations to return to the Tor. If we started off with 10 days of rations in total " it would leave me six and one third days rations in total.

I would need 8 days supply to get back from 0-30-60-90-120-90-60-30-0..... which means I would be without chocolate for nearly two days.

However, you said for him to give me some of his rations.

If I figured it your way " Try and I would use two thirds each (1.66666) of our supplies to get to 50 miles, Try would be able to use another 0.33333 to go back 10 miles, and I would use a third to go 10 miles forward = 4 days supply in total.

1.66 to 50 miles. 1.66 back 50 miles. Try started with 5 days rations " he uses 1.66666 to go 50 miles, leaving him 3.3333. He gives me half = 1.666666 leaving his 1.66666 to get back. He’s coco. We can only go 30 miles each in one day. So, at the end of day two Try is back at 40 miles (50+10) and has 1.66666-0.33333=1.33333 days supplies left. He can return 30 miles on day 3 and the remaining 10 miles on day 4 and use all his rations. He’s a happy camper.

On day 2 I’ve used 1.6666 to get 50 miles and use 0.333333 to travel another 10 miles. If I take half of Try’s two thirds (1.66) plus my remaining 3.32 (5days " 1.66days) minus 0.33333 {to travel another 10 miles}) = leaving me four and two thirds days supply at the end of day 2.

Day 3: 1 day supply to 90 miles

Day 4: 1 day supply to 120 miles

Stay overnite in the hotel

Day 5: 1 day back to 90 miles

Day 6: 1 day back to 60 miles

Day 7: I only have two thirds of day supply so I get from 60 miles to 40 miles and am too pooped to go any further..... sit there on my own, cold, hungry, no chocolate..........................................

Lights fire.... sends smoke signals.... needs rescuing!

MAN OH MAN.... dontya understand a gal can’t go without her chocolate.

K- guys...... explain it to me. I still can’t figure it out. Where am I going wrong? Seriously!!!!!!!!

<thinks long and hard about ever putting down a puzzle that I have the wrong the answer for and can’t figure out>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 11:35 am

The number is 18. Cool Cool

Mark is back to his best! Very Happy

Look again at the question:

Half of the number, added to a fifth of three less than the number, is equal to two thirds the number.
What is the number?

Here is the equation:

x....... x " 3 = 2Oh; I was gonna say TWO, I could work it out in my head; but not on paper!” So I claim a share. Wink

Good problem Izzie, still plenty of debate to go!
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 11:56 am
Oh................. explain it to me Blue...... he's gotta be right..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhh.... explain....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 12:49 pm
I prefer to think of it in terms of miles, not days. Each person can carry provisions for up to 150 miles. The round trip for Izzie is 240 miles.

Try and Izzie walk 50 miles. That leaves Izzie and Try with 100 each. Try gives 50 to Izzie. She can now go another 150 miles, and he can just get back.

Izzie runs out after 200 miles - 40 miles remain. In the meantime, Try has restocked and timed his departure so that he meets Izzie at the 40-mile mark when she gets there. When they meet, he has 110 miles left (150-40), which is more than enough for both of them to make it back (40+40=80).
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 12:58 pm
HA! http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/images-1.jpg

Oh oh oh.... I get that... but that's way to logical and simple for me!!! Sheesh... how long did it take me to work out my answers!!!!! ack... Rolling Eyes

Gosh.... you woulda thought Try would have gone the extra mile a? Razz

Thanku Mark... mmmmmmmm.............. do I dare post another puzzle for you! Shocked

<jumps back into her box and attempts to be less complicated!)

Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 01:40 pm
K.... just jumped back out again...

can you work this out!!!!!!!!

Please tell me what you think which numbers come next in this series?

1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, ?, ?, ?

Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 03:40 pm
Just a guess: 1,2,3?

If that's wrong, and it probably is, don't post the correct answer yet.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 04:02 pm
k................. nope nope nope...

<quite excited that I made you think big>
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 04:46 pm
Oh joy!

Gaius Julius Caesar would say:

3,4 and 5.
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 04:48 pm
He would too!
Reply Mon 17 Nov, 2008 08:46 pm
Ah, I see.

Here's a simple one I made up for you folks:

Izzie and Try are going to have a duel where they alternate shots - Izzie goes first - until one is hit.
The probability of Izzie hitting her target is always 1/7.
Try has the unique ability to set his probability (anything between 0 and 1) ahead of time - it remains constant after it is set.
Being the gentleman that he is, Try selects a value that gives each of them a 50/50 chance for survival.

What probability does Try select for himself? In other words, to make it a fair duel, what is the probability of Try hitting his target on each shot?

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